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Un-ban Appeal - SGT Mantas Peldzius - 09/12/18 (Redirected)

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SGT Mantas Peldzius

Well-known member
In-game Name
Mantas Peldzius

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was never told why I was banned and never told I was going to be banned just came back after 9 days and it said that I was banned

Why should we unban you ?
Again do not know I was never informed about what I did or when I did it and was never given the option put my point across

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Go ahead and try to connect to the server. It will give you a kick message. Read the kick message. Think for a second. 

I dont know if the kind of behaviour and the situation that led to your ban is normal for you - but let me tell you, such is not accepted here in our community.

You "part" of a absolutely disgusting situation, and did not think for a second it would be smart to report this to the staff team, meaning you were okay with it and has no problems with it. Why would we want you back in our community, when we can see what kind of person you are?

First of all I had no idea what I have done and still don't has I believe that I did anything wrong  but if I did to do apologies but I do not under stand  I also do not understand that I was not informed and the only reason that I did not say anything when I had been banned was because I was going back to six form and  I had lots to do like revision for my A levels and I was starting to do my private pilot exams that I had to pass to get my self to the career path I wanted to do this problem was so down my list that only now have I had any time or patients .

And this reporting to a staff member I have no idea has I did not speak to any admins that I could remember it would of been helpful if I was spoken to before hand has them I would be in a situation of which I would not what I had to had done.

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In your ban circumstance it would be "Failure to report disgusting behavior to the staff team"

So I ask, how do you not remember the situation, do you typically get involved in such dodgy events that you can fail to recollect one that may just be seen by us? Preaching ignorance doesn't work here bud, so I suggest you have a bit of a think.

I do not know what I failed to tell staff has I did not hear anything has I can remember
Alright...Sure let me jog your memory than,

Do you Remember sitting in a channel, cackling at someone making comments to how a certain community member should "neck themselves" and various other petty remarks?

I was talking about the high up in academy police and how there are still very young kids in the police but yet they can stay but new people cannot and I said about that I thought at the time and a si at the time there got the job because of friends getting a very high rank and not knowing anything about the academy and thought that the second older si would be much getter has the csi I was speaking to this is confidence with people and then something happened and the this neck your self part I have no idea  has I had not said these words on TeamSpeak has I =could remember can you send recording of me saying it or not has at the moment I strongly believe that I did not say anything like that 

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No, you will not get to see the video as of yet but that only concerns me more that this is not the only conversation and judging from your responses from that time and on your appeal, it is certainly not the last nor the worst. Anything else you would like to confess towards now... say if we had further knowledge of events that we are still waiting to hear anything from said people involved, hell, still waiting for apologies including the one you are banned for right now. Seems to be a lack of concern for those targetted so do you not care? In which case why should we care about ever considering to allow someone with toxic behaviour back in who can barely remember what toxic conversation we are talking about!

Think very carefully about your responses from now.

I still do not understand what I had done to get a ban has all I was doing was talking about not agreeing with the command officers and the people in academy I do not understand why I am here has it was a inspector that was saying thing like this and I was only a witness to this and I did report it but I don't think that they wanted to take it further has I had not evidence and I did tell king has of what I heard but I don't know what happened from there I do not believe what matty was saying but did not want to say anything to him has he was a high up all I would tell him is to be carful and I believe if admin would of came to me and asked to see me and I could tell them my side of the story where I did not say anything disrespectful they would understand but by the way it was handled it was made into a massive problem where I am getting banned for not doing the thing that I was told I had done I was only a person in the teamspeak that was sitting there talking.

if I had insulted anyone thought the time I am sorry but I am not going to be told that I had done something that I had not to this proportion I believe that yes I had been in a teamspeak with someone with strong views and that I did sit thought it but the reasons for this was I had very little people to turn to and has the academy faction is very small if I was to say anything I could had make the situation much worst.

thought my time in academy I had to sit thought people attacking each other and to stay friends with my higher up and people that I got to know I had to silence my self for the better of everyone involved for the better well being of every person involved and believe me everyone was involved and with time I got Ideas of people and there personality's and how they act but I am not a person that wants to hurt any one I am not a person that wants to give someone problems and I am not a person that will back down when I believe something is un fair or not right but I do not go about in problematic way but I tell them in my way and help them and I believe has my personality is like this many people confided in me and just this one was out of order and I understand that if some one said neck themselves but I and still confidant that I did not have anything to do with it and I was mealy a bystander that was put into a corner of people liking me and keeping friends in the community and understand what I did wrong by not reporting what I could hear and what I had been told and yes if I had upset anyone then off Corse I am sorry and hope they can forgive me but I am not about to take the blame for something that I did not say myself

I hope that everyone understands and give me a chance just like I did to people with strong view thought my time in the community and police.

………………….SORRY...…………………...TO EVERYONE.

Quite frankly the fact you persist with this "I don't know what I did wrong I'm innocent" behaviour is concerning.  You know what you did and if you won't admit to it then we can't help you.  Saying you're "sorry" for the sake of it doesn't help your case either.

We've tried and spent enough time on this and I'm not willing to waste anymore.  If you are actually serious about getting unbanned - Make a perm appeal and tell the truth.

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