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Un-ban Appeal - Semaj2000 - 08/05/2016 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because there was a situation in Kavala where I decamped CI Voltz and shot him in his car as he was following me. I shot him as my gang was receiving shots a few hundred meters down the road, in a situation I was involved in a minute earlier. I deemed that Voltz was a threat to me and as such I stepped out of my vehicle and shot him in an error of judgement in the heat of the moment without any RP which led to this being RDM. I can clearly understand that this was a bad decision on my part as I should have spoken to him verbally before ever shooting.

Why should we unban you ?
This is the first time I have been banned or ever been close to being banned. I feel that this shows that this was an error in judgement on my part that was a one off as in all my time on this server I have had a clear record. I can openly admit it was an error in judgement as I could have tried to talk to Voltz before firing. The reason I didn't was due to it being a complex situation where I thought we were initiated on sufficiently to have Voltz attempt to shoot at us so I tried to shoot first. With hindsight I can see that I was hasty in shooting and I could have tried to tell the officer following to stop following us or some other form of RP before firing to ensure I was properly initiated to avoid any risk of a situation like this.

I feel that I made a honest mistake in this scenario as I thought that we were seen to be involved in a situation I was not involved in- the shooting of Chadwick. This shooting meant I thought I was initiated so I could kill the CI but after leaving the situation I can see I was mistaken with this view point and as such the kill was in fact RDM.

If I am to be unbanned I will make sure that I am fully initiated on someone before firing by always trying to voice an initiation on the person before firing. This means that if I were to redo this scenario I would try to ask the CI to stop following us and if he persisted telling him to leave us alone and to try to escape before ever shooting.

I can see that this was RDM as RDM is the killing of a person without the proper rights to do so- initiation. The reason I did this was I was confused in thinking that I was initiated when I wasn't which lead me to RDM'ing as I believed I was in the right to do so when I wasn't. This was a error on my part as I read the situation wrong leading me to RDM as I thought I was in the clear with initiation when I wasn't which I can clearly see now and am regretful for.

I honestly feel this was just me misreading a situation in the heat of the moment and as such I would like another chance to prove that I can make better judgement calls and ensure that I give further RP in situations. I can RP and enjoy RP which is why I like this server so much, and I feel it is unfortunate that I chose not to RP in the situation as it has led to me being banned for the first time ever. I can see where I went wrong and if I am given a second chance I will strive to ensure that this never happens again and to deliver a higher calibre of Role Play that I know I can give.

I additionally feel I should be given a second chance as I feel that me and Voltz could have talked this out and avoided this had Voltz attempted to resolve this with me. I feel that attempting to resolve is important as we could have gained a better understanding of each other’s POV had he spoken to me but he refused which I feel has had a hand in my ban. I did make a mistake but that is what it was- a mistake. As I have said I have had a clear record on this server and I have made a bad mistake here but I feel if he tried speaking to me we could have sorted this out without my ban.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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What would you do if this situation happens again? How would you proceed? 

I would get out the vehicle and ask the officer to stop following us. If he proceeded to follow I would tell him to leave us alone with my weapon out but lowered. If he persisted I would tell him if he doesn't desist following us his tires will be shot out, and if he then follows shoot tires and not shoot him unless he fires back. Proceeding on from here unless I am at the area of initiation or am taking shots I will make sure to be very cautious on how and when I shoot and only fire shots if it is 100% that initiation has occurred and combat is ongoing and always give some form of RP before I shoot.

It puzzles me why you didn't do this in the first place to be honest. This is a serious RP community so we expect you to RP to the best of your ability.

Are you ready to return to the server?

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It puzzles me why you didn't do this in the first place to be honest. This is a serious RP community so we expect you to RP to the best of your ability.

Are you ready to return to the server?
Yes I am ready to return and once again apologise for my actions.

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