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Un-ban Appeal - Rootbox - 30/04/18 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Samuel Thompson

Reason given for your ban.
Mass RDM

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
As you can see by the timing it was a few years ago and the situation is not something I remember, however I assume I joined the server to play with old friends - while it would sound likely I would make this up, it was probably one of them and I was mixed up in mess. Shortly after this time, I stopped playing and after another friend pinged me today saying he had started I tried to join and that is when I saw the message.

I understand that maybe I did something silly in the past and that I may have to pay the price for that, just wanted to reach out and see if a second chance would be possible.

Why should we unban you ?
In reality - I just want to play with a Friend he is on the server, I have lots of hours and enjoy ARAM, albeit not for a few years, not looking to be as involved as I was previously on a different server as a cop - just wanting to play with a Friend. he rates the server as the place to be - I have no desire to be a troublemaker - hopefully this is not lost in translation.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Let us start this off by Quoting me the rule or rules you think you broke and then explaining it to us in your own words?

Hey, Again apologise as I don't remember the actual event, however: 

VDM- When a player kills you with a vehicle for no reason in a game of role play.

What I have seen the most, during my time and a Cop or playing as a rebel is someone driving around Kavala just hitting people either with their car, both spoiling  RP and affecting others enjoyment. But its Vehicle Deathmatch, using a car etc. as a weapon - so no running people or making them explode or hitting other cars.

You have not answered the question I asked you. You have also not told me the right rule you broke.

Copy and Paste the rule you broke in your reply. Then explain that in you own words.

Hey Sorry in my post I have put RDM - its 100% VDM and its my bad, I have been replying not noticing my mistake so I apologise for the time wasted. 

Taking that into consideration, you asked me to describe the rule have I broken - which was listed when I log in as VDM: 

VDM- When a player kills you with a vehicle for no reason in a game of role play.

What I have seen the most when describing VDM is mainly seen during my time and a Cop or playing is someone driving around Kavala just hitting people either with their car, both spoiling  RP and affecting others enjoyment. But its Vehicle Deathmatch, using a car etc. as a weapon - so no running people or making them explode or hitting other cars. I have remembered the actual event I would add more detail. 

Finally - apologise again for the confusion it was an honest mistake when documenting. 

Again, you have not answered Alfred's question.

Quote us the rule you broke and explain it to us in your own words. 

Sorry - you wanted me to copy and paste the rule I assume: 

(2.1) Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM) - Using any vehicle as a weapon (e.g running people over, causing explosions including while sling loading, ramming, etc), will result in you receiving a ban. Three vehicles are excluded from this, MRAPS (Ifrits, Hunters and Striders) can ram other MRAPS in order to disable them, yet not to kill the passengers. This is allowed as these vehicles are the only vehicles ingame that can withstand being rammed. Please note that you need to initiate roleplay before attempting to ram an MRAP. (Please note - MRAPS don't need to be initiated on in the redzone) This is to prevent random ramming on site. (Three minutes of chasing also constitutes initiation of MRAP and MRAP ramming).

What I have seen the most when describing VDM is mainly seen during my time and a Cop or playing is someone driving around Kavala just hitting people either with their car, both spoiling  RP and affecting others enjoyment. But its Vehicle Deathmatch, using a car etc. as a weapon - so no running people or making them explode or hitting other cars. I have remembered the actual event I would add more detail. 

You are banned for Mass RDM.

I am not to impressed by the appeal.. And that makes me think..
If i unban you, is he then grab the first gun he gets his hands on and just spray everbody around him again?

How can you ensure us that you would not just do this again?
What changed?


Firstly when I logged in I was confident it said VDM hence my response. Secondly I advised that this was a long time ago, and members of the gang getting banned - guilty by association. I accept that you have no idea of the person I’m or the playstyle I adopt, in reality I play by the rules and mostly enjoy Cop. I can’t think of another server I have been banned on, and perhaps that makes my un-ban appears unimpressive.

How can you ensure us that you would not just do this again?

I can assure you I have zero desire to work on getting un-banned to then be banned for RDM or any rule break – the reason for this is I just want to play with a Friend who plays regularly. Considering my surprise when I was banned and the fact I enjoy RP more than shooting you could stop me even having a gun and I would still play.

[SIZE=11pt]What changed?

I will be honest here, nothing is going to change in my play style, heavy in RP and a few gun fights following the rules, the change is I’m playing with a good friend, who like me follows the rules and I value playing online with them. I have something to lose if I get banned.

I hope this covers the detail you need, additionally I’d be happy to jump on Discord and discuss the matter with you guys to save any time that does. [/SIZE]

We'll give you another chance. 
It happened a long time ago so i expect that you re-red the rules before you come back on.


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