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Un-ban Appeal - Rickkkk - 12/21/2016 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Poor Rp/RDM

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Well it all started out roleplaying with a medic for about 20 mins after getting revived we were taken to the hospital were we were given treatment after a while the medic left me and Asarid in the hospital beds, after about 5 mins we hear an offroad pull up so we go and check it out we go round the wall and saw 4 hobos walking to the desk we trying to speak to the NPC behind the desk we then told the hobos that he dosen't speak that much after we told them that they start walking back to there car when they do this they start saying the N word at Asarid and at this point me and Asarid are quite angry this i some evidence of the guys being racist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAjkS9kkj2s&feature=youtu.be
after they do this me and Asarid begin to hunt them down for what they just said to Asarid. this was more of a out of character feelings than in game. i was banned because after we found them we initatied on them and gave them minimal time to comply what me and Erik did was not acceptable and because of this we were banned which i understand. This is where Khandamir is watching these guys - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkyH8xKaBUc

Why should we unban you ?
I think u should unban me because i have been a member of this community for almost a year and a half now and i have loved every second of it, ive done stupid stuff in the past which i have been forgiven for but without a doubt this the biggest one that i am ashamed of, insted of taking it to an admin i tryed to take justice into my own hands without thinking about what can happen, in this case Khandamir saw only the wrong thing without really knowing why we did this and i am sorry for what i have done

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Shit RP from yourself! I'm in two minds to deny this appeal. When does stop or i'll shoot your tyres result in 4 deaths 

"Stop the car or I'll shoot the tires" should never result in four death's, I was stupid really for shooting all of them and your right it was fucking dreadful rp from me and I should know better from playing on this server for so long and I'm sorry for letting u see this shit RP and I'm ashamed of myself 

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You said it yourself, you been here for over a year, your roleplay should be extremely good, what i've seen here is disgusting roleplay and it's definitely not acceptable here, you've been here for over a year and act like a player that recently joined the server, as for i will ban you from using gun's of any kind for 2 weeks.
do you agree to this terms?

I know I should know better from being here for so long, i and ashamed of what I have done and what I did was acceptable and it will never be and I am sorry for my actions, as for the terms you have suggested I completely agree you never know I might get some amazing rp out of it thank u for giving me another chance and I'm sorry for what I have done.

Unbanned - if you fail to follow the ban appeal terms, a permanent ban will be issued.

Banned from using guns 24/12/2016 - 07/01/2017.

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