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Un-ban Appeal - Reese - 09/26/2017 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
SI Long Beard

Reason given for your ban.
Forum ban

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I read the report on me on the forums and I was banned because I RDM'D someone

Why should we unban you ?
On the report on me he said that I shot him, yes that is correct because after him being told to put his hands on his head he proceeded to attempt to get out his weapon even when I was point blank in his face and my friend was right behind me also I did use a word that I shouldn't have and I do apologize for that and I am willing to apologize to him for using the C word. He also said I used the piss emote on him, In the video (https://plays.tv/video/59c914c87daa35c719/arma-3-rdm-issue) you can see after I shot him I used the emote instantly, I have mouse with the number buttons on the side (1-12) and accidentally triggered that emote and you can tell it is an accident from how far away from him I am while doing the emote.

I'd like to also show you this next video (https://plays.tv/video/59ca63967ede4bf496/chase-in-arma-3) On his report on the forums he stated that it wasn't a revenge report. If you see on the chat logs you can see him say that he was "RDM'D" twice before I apparently did, so why he didn't report them I don't know. about half an hour after I shot him we had a redbull hatchback following us around. it chased us around for a good 5 minutes before a red hatchback sport smashed into us causing us to flip our car (You can see it was intentional as we swerved out the road he went straight into our path) and have to run. we immediately knew it was them looking for us (even though on the first video you can see 3 red hatchback sports in the video at the time) we hid in a building as you can see on that second video what happened. We were both masked. I looked to see when that report was made and it was roughly 2 hours after they killed us.

I think I should be unbanned because I don't break rules on purpose, I did have some bad language and again I'm sorry for that. I feel that both parties could have had a bit better RP involved but with him drawing out his weapon while in a 2v1 situation and his weapon was holstered forced me to kill him before he managed to take the first shot on us.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I feel that both parties could have had a bit better RP involved but with him drawing out his weapon while in a 2v1 situation and his weapon was holstered forced me to kill him before he managed to take the first shot on us.
You never gave him a chance to roleplay.  quote me the rule you broke, And explain in your own words?

I couldn't because he pulled out a gun on me. If you are being told to put your hands on your head you would do so being outnumbered, if it was a 1v1 then it would be a different situation. (2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play. This basically means killing someone without telling them to follow instructions or killing someone for no reason what so ever. In my opinion I told him to put his hands up. he had chance to reply but instead he turned around and attempted to pull out a weapon on me.

What would you do if found in the same situation again. 

Make sure I give more clear instructions and more chances for them to put their hands up

Do you understand why this rule is in place?  Also would you be able to follow the rules from now on? 

I would highly advise reading this post:

You seem to think what you did here was perfectly acceptable in terms of standard of roleplay.

(7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high quality roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low quality RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP. Executing another player must also be carried out with high quality roleplay, the only exception to this rule is if both you and the victim are engaged in a gunfight together.

Would you say what you did constituted high quality roleplay? Would you say you can just shoot someone if they pull out a weapon?

No I wouldn't count it as high quality role play, I told him to put his hands up and he said nothing and turned around whilst attempting to pull out his weapon. I was actually waiting for him to say something then I would ask again but instead he pulled out his weapon instead making me fear that he was going to open fire straight away. He even stated on the report that he was going to pull out his gun and defend him self in a 2v1 situation (really??)

What he said on the report and what happened in game are two different things if I am not mistaken. This may sound really cliche, but two wrongs dont make a right. You as the player initiating must start with high quality RP.    Not "Put your hands up now cunt put your hands up" then bang.  It might of not been the smartest move for the reporting player to whip out his gun. But It definitely was not the smartest move you shooting the player, as you found out.

Now before we make the decision on your appeal I would like to invite you to re answer this question

What would you do if found in the same situation again. 
with more detail please.

I understand that my initiation wasn't that great of RP and I will without a doubt change it to be more of a conversation before I initiate. when this happened it was my first week back to Arma after probably 3 months and when i played back when TI and LOV and The capitol were around as long as you initiated and gave them enough time to respond and meet your demands it was considered to be acceptable RP and in a way him pulling out his weapon in my eyes is a response. I was starting to adjust back into the server and that was my first robbery when coming back to the server and I had been robbed twice before that and I used from what I learned from the past 2 times I have be robbed how it could be played out. I read TCK Matt's post about how to know when you can shoot someone and I read about saying to someone how you like their glasses or what ever you are interested on stealing from the person and actually I agree about that. But because the way I have been robbed before I thought my approach and me acting quickly to protect my self and my mates lives was acceptable.

If I was found in the same situation again I would talk to the person a lot more and try to persuade them to give me the item I am interested in and just generally talking to them before I initiate on them with guns pointed. 

P.s for some reason I'm not getting notifications for this or emails which I have ticked

Okay, thank you for the detailed answer.

My best advice is always have a story or sequence in your head before you rob someone, make the interaction complex and different each time and keep it high quality always!

Don't let us down


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