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Un-ban Appeal - Raymond Reddington - 06/12/2017 (Unbanned - 16/06/2017)

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In-game Name
Durum Wahaab elCan

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Rule 1.2

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
At first i had no clue at all as to why i was banned.
After i had joined the teamspeak to have some clearance as to why i was banned it seemed that i was banned because i called a hacker a "faggot" after he had teleported everyone to the kavala center on server 2 last night. As i remmeber it, this is the only instance where i have typed such words in direct chat.

I spoke with Drew and explained my side of the story on teamspeak who told me to make an unban appeal.

Why should we unban you ?
You should unban me because it is extremely uncharacteristic of me. This is not at all the person i am in real life OR in RP. I have never ever with any bad or harmful intentions called another person something discriminating. When i was in the moment and called the hacker a "faggot" it was with no relation to his/her's sexual identification at all!

I was just extremely annoyed by the fact that a hacker chose to ruin not only my night but also every other persons night who was playing on the server at the given time.

What have i learned about this?
That no matter what, hacker, scripter or whatever, should i ever call anyone that or anything else that could potentially be discriminating.
Again, i want to make it absolutely clear that i had no intentions hurting anyone by saying this. I am deeply sorry.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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You say this was very uncharacteristic from you, why did you say it then?

Please quote the rule that you broke and explain it in your own words. 

I broke rule 1.2 which states that: 

"Discrimination of any kind is punished by a permanent ban without appeal."

As i explained above, i have never ever had any mean intentions towards anyone with that statement i made. Scripter, player or staff, no matter who the person is, this was out of line and i can give my word that no such case will EVER appear again with my name on it.

I have learned that no matter what i should keep cool and not let my frustrations take over and effect my decission making. This is the only explanation as to why i said what i did. I know that not being able to handle your temper and emotions is not a valid excuse, but there is simply nothing else i can say because that was truly what it was. A once in a lifetime scenario that i swear won't ever happend again.

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How will you be able to control yourself different if a similar situation happens? 

I would be able to control myself better if i make sure that when i feel upset and i can feel that im getting annoyed and provoked to then take a step back, get some air, think through what im about to do and make sure that i make the right decision. Basicly make sure that when i make a comment that it is well thought instead of just saying some out of place and rude comment which as i have said is extremely uncharacteristic of me and all i need is one chance to prove it to the community.

Please do that in the future. We are a community of adults and we should act as such, not stoop to the level of a person who just wants to ruin others experience. Please remember that in the future, and don't let it happen again.


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