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Un-ban Appeal - Radostin - 06/08/2017 (Unbanned)

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Active member
Bulgaria , Montana
In-game Name
[E] Radostin

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
(2.5) Combat logging

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was runing from the cops and my game startet laging after I left athira but I needed to go pass it to run away of it at athira my game just crashed and go in black screen and after soem time I waitet I alf F 4 dint work I closed it from task mannager . I got contactet by , a person and I explained what happened but he said ok no problem. after I log in i got banned.

Why should we unban you ?
It was Misunderstanding me game completly go dark I dint intendet to combat logging from the police or from a any RP situation or to brake RP and I got contactet by a police and he said it is okay I offered him if he want to log in and go continiu but he said no problem dont worry and I dint thinked abaut it after I got contactet with a person for this situation I cant still go and talk with the police if you wish after the ban . this is why I think to be unbaned sorry for the combat loggauting my game just trolled my I dint intented to combat logging and I am trully sorry for it .

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

I wonder if @Oliver V2 has anything to add? You seemingly witnessed the situation so from what you remember, do you think this sounds likely to be true?

In the meantime @Radostin, who did you supposedly contact who you claim said "ok no problem"? Without that information, it's difficult to confirm if this isn't just a convenient story you are making up.

Teamspeak name was SGT Mike and the second or first name dont remember he messaget my Sgt somethi bg mike

Well first of all there was no SGT Mike, was it a INS Stan? @Radostin He said you didn't need to log back in not that it was okay. The reason I banned off this was because we were chasing you for quite a while and you didn't seem to have any game issues, then the moment you crashed because you were going to go fast not because of lag you instantly disconnected I'm guessing you ALT-F4'D. So if I had to decide if it was true I would say no it wasn't. @TomTheDoge

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then you say that crashing a game isnt Instant ? 

Did you was ever on 32 Bit ? remember these old days when arma 3 pop out of nowhere you run out of memory or these FPS bugs one moment 40 another 10

and to add something else I offered to log in again and to take my off somewhere.

@Radostin What I'm talking about is this loop holes in your story, your asking me if a game crash is instant yet when you were messaging Stan you were saying you lagged and that's the reason you crashed and know all of a sudden it's happening instantly. Looks like your lying to me.

Ok Can You Explain my Only Which Loop Holes In My Story To Explain You .

your asking me if a game crash is instant yet when you were messaging Stan you were saying you lagged and that's the reason you crashed and know all of a sudden it's happening instantly. Looks like your lying to me.
@Radostin Also who said it was okay, because I know Stan didn't.

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1.How I can prove it that I dont lie

2. I dint messaget Stan he was first and still I think it was somebody with Mike

3.if it happen again where I can go to talk a person abaut it because I dont know 

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@Radostin First of all you can't prove your not lying because you could be for all I know, but from what you have said so far and how your talking about a mike who wasn't on patrol and I know it was Stan because he messaged you and then he showed me the logs. It's starting to look like a story you made to get unbanned in my opinion. Want some advice, tell the truth because either your lying or you just aren't explaining it very well.

Ya you are still right of a point one of the thinks that I am not sure is the person if its stan or mike and one more think that you are right that I am not good in explaning because I am from bulgaria and thats my secondary language and I am not Perfect in it I am still trying to fix some thinks

I can ask you atleast what happens if you play and your game start laging and one instant moment you screen go black but you can still go like ALT and TAB because I even at one point dint see my mouse courser I needed to ALT F4 to fix Black screen and after it it said you run aut of memory ? what I can do in this situation man? because that Happened if you dint undurstant my 

I can still try explaining you in small texts

I can ask you atleast what happens if you play and your game start laging and one instant moment you screen go black but you can still go like ALT and TAB because I even at one point dint see my mouse courser I needed to ALT F4 to fix Black screen and after it it said you run aut of memory ? what I can do in this situation man? because that Happened if you dint undurstant my 
If you are in a situation like that and your game crashes, then it crashes. Diddums. The correct way to go about it would be to hop straight onto teamspeak and speak to a staff member with evidence if possible (log showing a crash/recording/screenshot) and they will attempt to help you find the medic.police officer/UNMC member that was affected by the crash so they can know it wasn't due to foul play. 

When this comes to other players that are unwhitelisted, it becomes harder because it isn't compulsory for them to be on teamspeak, however you can ALT+F4 and attempt to search for their name in the tree.

If you can, it's also worth logging back in to the closest spawn location possible (say your game crashed in Kavala then you log back into Kavala) Get the in-game text message up and search for that players name.

Do you understand?

Any questions?

@Samatlewis ya I know but when I exitet my game this whole situation I was in teamspeak and a person messaget my nice combat loggot I explaiend him  that it is frozing game and it crashed black screen as I sayed and I asked him ok wana come back and continiu from the moment we go he said no and I dint thinked I need to go there because that I dint go there if I was on my power if teamspeak 3 dint deletet the messages after restart I would go and show you with picture that the person said no no problem . if you got any ideas I can check the log tell my plesse but for sadly I checked it its deletet or if you know another logs tell my. 


And if you dint undurstand my short I can say yes I undurstant 


1 question a what happens when person message you and said dont worry dont log in after you offered him to log in thats my sittuation and I still cant prove it and got any wayt to do it ? 

like to prove it ?

And 1 more think next time when it happend if it happens I wont lissen to a person if somebody chat my a I will just go there . @Samatlewis  and you said ALT + F4 Arent it CTRL+ F 


1. In the future... Maybe take a picture of the chat? That would PROVE you did not do it. What Samat meant to say was "CTRL + F" which lets you search for players on Teamspeak. 

Any further questions?

@Azamai no I said Id ont have and yes I will just take a picture to prove it happened not like this right now nobody belive my that I am telling the truth only 1 picture of the person that chatet my or the crash could fix everything :( ok now wait time for my punishment :D :) 

and have a nice day/night :)

Right, quote me the rule that you broke and explain it in your own words. 

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