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Un-ban Appeal - PinguNoot - 11/11/17 (Unbanned)

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top skenger
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
OOC Abuse/Metagaming

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
To be honest i can't remember what i did or why i was banned, sorry. However i hope i can get another chance here and I really hope you accept my apology for my actions. I know i haven't wrote much but i have no memory of the offending incident unfortunately therefore i cant really speak about it.

Why should we unban you ?
I believe you should unban me because i believe if you let me have another chance you wont regret it.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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15/10/2017 11:38
are u just sitting there at rebel killing unarmed people you sad cunt
15/10/2017 11:39
nah simon williams, sad bastard
15/10/2017 11:39
sat there waiting for people to come and shooting them when they're unarmed
15/10/2017 11:40
why you just waiting there tho
15/10/2017 11:40
fucking sad
15/10/2017 11:40
i wasnt shot once by any snipers
15/10/2017 11:40
chatting out your arse
15/10/2017 11:41
just sad tbh


Does this help better refresh your memory?

Quote the rules you have broken here directly from the rulepage then explain those rules in your own words. 

Tbh i don't even remember saying that, but i apologize for what i said it is childish and awful. I was probably having a bad day in all honesty i never act like that normally.  

So why is is childish now? was it not before?
Because like i said it was a heat of the moment thing to do, i was having a shitty day and people doing shitty things just tipped me over the edge. However i have learned to not take my anger out on video games and if im having  bad day to just not play games so this doesn't happen again. 

Please quote the rules you broke and explain them in your own words.

(4.1) Side Chat - Using intelligence gained on side chat to influence actions in game. Punishment is a kick/ban.

I broke this rule by stating the location on the map where the person killing unarmed people at rebel was therefore i broke the metagaming rule 4.1

Do you understand why we have this rule ? - If so please explain your understanding

If we are to unban you can we be sure you wont take your anger out "ingame" and can we be sure you wont break one of our most simplest rules again?

Do you understand why we have this rule ? - If so please explain your understanding

If we are to unban you can we be sure you wont take your anger out "ingame" and can we be sure you wont break one of our most simplest rules again?
ye wont do it again. I understand the rule as if it is broken it allows people to have unfair advantage in game because they have knowledge hey shouldn't have ygm. 

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