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Un-ban Appeal - Ollywilliam - 23/08/18

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Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
3.2.2 7.1.4

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
When i came early this morning I wanted to have some fun RP with cops for a good laugh. When I logged on I went kavala and formed a small group of people as hostage takers to take 4 other people hostage ,once that was accomplished we set out to make a deal with the cops however on my second message I said that "if any cops come in the building without meeting my demands some form of force will be used" It was my mistake and I shouldn't have sent the message. However when the negotiator arrives we tried to make a deal however this then failed leading to a gun fight. When being dragged out of the building the person i shot didn't sound happy and gave off a really angry vibe towards us which then lead towards notes being passed back and forth to cops which shouldn't have. All i should have said is lets take this to teamspeak and be done with it which i didnt and thats why im here. It was a foolish act from me in which i think i needed this ban to realise what i have done so this can be a learning experience for me.

Why should we unban you ?
I think you should unban me because ive gone back over the rules and feel confidant to come back to the server and have some fun again , i'm not here to cause trouble just my own fun and enjoyment. When talking to admins i asked if i could speak to the people i was passing notes to and apologised to them for any wrong doing , i wasn't being immature about it neither was i denying my actions. Theres only one person that got me in this position and thats me , all i'm asking is a chance to prove myself i dont see myself as a rule breaker neither a bad person and some people can back me up for that, when in TS with the admins and cops we had a long conversation in which i know what i done wrong and it wont happen again you have my word. Ive stated the rule below and put it into my own words aswell to prove that i know why i've been banned. This has been a learning experience which will never be repeated.

(3.2.2) Extended OOC interactions are forbidden.
3.2.2 - Using the OOC chat excessively in which i could have just said "lets take this to ts" . (spamming notes)

(7.1.4) Using the in game phone to warn police You are unable to use the ingame phone to warn the police for example "“Any cops seen within ‘x’km will be shot on site”
7.1.4 - I cant not use the police dispatch to initiate or threaten life.

The reason why you have 3.2.2 in place is to prevent people from using side chat to moan and spam notes. 

The reason why you have 7.1.4 in place is to make sure there is a good form of role play before initiating and also some officers may not be aware of the situation but role play face to face should be made for high quality RP

How can you trust me ?

I believe that im ready to come back to the server as ive had a long thought and have put a great deal of effort into reading the rules again and making this appeal. I want to prove myself that im not a bad person and that im not here to cause any disruption. I asked for the people that i have done wrong doing to , to speak on ts in which i apologised, i wasn't being immature neither was i denying my actions like i previously said. This is not a on going thing and WILL NOT repeat itself , if i do need to speak to someone i will send one message saying "lets take this to ts" and leave it at that . If i do see others doing this i will let them know as well and advise them , just like you have advised me.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Why did you decide to start a long conversation in direct with // 
Why not just ask them to come to ts? 

@Jefke V it was 3am in the morning in which I was trying to keep talking to a minimum and my voice down as I would have woken every body in my house up however I didn’t think it would have turned into such a big issue if I was to type in // however it did and it was stupid of me which could have been a 2 mins convo in ts and would have been sorted that easy , Which like I said was stupid of me not to do in the first place because it only causes everyone else problems 

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@Ollywilliam If you are unable to speak at that time of the morning then do not come on the server, that really isn't a valid excuse.

Please follow our rules more closely going forward.

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here .

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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