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Un-ban Appeal - NLA Rick (Unbanned)

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In-game Name
[N.L.A] Rick

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I was banned because my gang member was chasing this guy in a car the guy in the car then try's to break check him and then crashes into a wall, my friend then carry's on driving down the road being rammed into by the guy he was chasing all the way down the road which causes his car to flip and kill my gang member he then try's to drive away back down the road he came from as in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Afj2CrRLypU) you see me shouting stop the car 3 times he finally stops the car and i shot him because in my eyes he VDMed my friend, looking back over the video i realize i should not have shot him because he did stop and complied with my initiation. after this i did not see anything in side chat about him wanting me to come to TS so i thought it was fine i then went of to bed about 20 mins later and logged off i come back in the morning and saw i have been reported by the guy i killed that VDMed my friend. After writing "Hello it would be nice if you actually tried to resolve this with me in teamspeak I would of happily came and talk to you. If you want to speak to me about this to sort this out I'm always in the nla channels just send me a message and I will talk with you. which this also shows you lying in a report saying "The player was not on TS" and saying you tried to resolved the situation". he didn't speak to me on TS to try and resolve the situation which he lies about in his report i would of happly comped him because he is a new player and i want to make a good name for the community and i felt like i didn't give him enough time.

Why should we unban you.
you should unban me because i have been playing on this server since October 29th 2015 and i have loved every second of it. This community means alot to me and i would hate to say goodbye to it after so long being here. i felt like this situation was badly dealt with communication wise but im sorry for what i have done i should of given @foxglove more time and it was silly from me to shoot him even though he complied and i would of happly dealt with this situation but at the end of the day what i have done was wrong and i am so sorry for what i have done and i really hope you give me another chance.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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You must follow the rules yourself! Don't break the rules just because someone else did. That's what gets you here.

Are you aware of the server rules?

Yes I am I have been playing on the server for nearly a year now and I haven't been banned until now. And I am so sorry for what I have done

You have been here long enough to follow the rules. 

How could you improve in this situation?

If this happend again I would give the player  clear orders on what I want him to do and give him enough time to react to the situation and walk over to him message him using the \\ telling him what he has done and ask him to come on ts to try and resolve the situation 

Are you now ready to follow the rules going forward?

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