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Un-ban Appeal - Nigel Farage 1 - 30/12/17 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.


Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
RDM and Baiting

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I think this was a misunderstanding as I am new to the game and was trying to figure out controls and I accidentally misclicked while holding a weapon my friend had gave me as I shot the police must have heard it causing them to search for me they then ran round the corner with guns aimed at me but I also had my gun out which made me think that they would engage and open fire on me so I thought I should shoot first and now I realise that I should have waited before opening fire instantly I got banned a couple hours after I bought the game so I didn't know how it all worked which I know isn't a valid excuse but that is the reason I made my mistake.

Why should we unban you ?
I feel like I should be unbanned because the baiting rule was a misunderstanding I had no intention of causing a gun battle as I only had a pistol and they had more people and better guns which means I would be stupid to make them get into a battle with me also the I din't intentionally break any of these rules it was just a mistake that I will not make again now I have spent time looking through the rules as well as playing on other servers that are similar so I have learnt the rules and controls so I won't ever make the same mistake again also I had no Idea i was in the wrong as ram took at least 5 minutes to ban me and made it seem that everything was fine as he started taking me to jail and then I just got banned out of the blue with no verbal interaction I had no warning that I was about to be banned and had nothing explained to me also I have RP expirence so I was there to RP and now I can't play due to a mistake that I do take full responsibility for and do regret engaging in a gunfight without talking first but I don't think the baiting thing is correct as It was a misclick not an attempt to get cops to chase/shoot at me.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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1. It's not our issue if you "Misclick", if you're new to the game logic, would dictate you would run through the game's tutorials before joining an online game.

2. We don't always "warn" you that you're going to be banned nor do we ban you instantly.  Its a roleplay server and we tend to let the scenario finish before intervening.

3. You say you have "RP Experience" yet you were "Misclicking" firing a gun, the same button that fires a gun in 99.9% of games and still though it would be acceptable to shot someone randomly?

Why should I ever start to consider unbanning you if you're just going to feed me a load of bs about "misclicking" and making "mistakes"?

I think you should consider unbanning me because I will never do anything against the rules again I was there to RP and I have no bad intentions I just want to be able to RP again I will admit I was in the wrong and I understand why you might not want to unban me but I just really want one more chance to enjoy the server and I definetley will not break anymore rules I promise.

So you admit you weren't telling the full truth in your initial unban appeal?  Can you quote the 2 rules you were banned for an explain them in your own words?

RDM is random deathmatch which basically means starting some kind of battle or just killing/ attempting to kill someone without a valid RP reason and baiting is where you do something eg fire a gun to draw attention to yourself with the sole purpose of getting chased by the police or getting in a gun battle with the police or with anyone else .

by quoting he means go to the rules page, And copy and paste the rule. 

oh ok

(3.7) Baiting - Baiting for the sake of a gunfight is not roleplay. Punishment is a ban. Examples: Flying over someone with a chopper waiting for warning shots to instantly shoot them back, robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, etc.

(2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).

RDM is random deathmatch which basically means starting some kind of battle or just killing/ attempting to kill someone without a valid RP reason and baiting is where you do something eg fire a gun to draw attention to yourself with the sole purpose of getting chased by the police or getting in a gun battle with the police or with anyone else .

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