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Un-ban Appeal - N1tch - 09/28/2016 (Unbanned)

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Sweden (British Expat though)
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Killing GZ

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I understand why I was banned and that I broke the rules. It was a moment of frustration and anger which I shouldn't have let happen. In fact when I killed the player I deliberately RPed afterwards. I waited with my hand son my head for the Police to take me away. Explained everything multiple times and took my in-game punishment at the time. I in fact still have the bounty on my head and felt it only fair that I keep it there so I can be killed for my in-game crimes and accept it. The reason for my actions was that prior to the reset I had been a victim multiple times of robbery, that I felt the person was not role playing correctly and to make it worse I was held up, had my money taken almost immediately which didnät constitute role play in my mind, the Police were near by and showed up shortly after. The Police left a few minutes later, I believe to try and find the culprit who almost immediately show up and took me hostage while I was fixing my truck after the damage it took. After the respawn I was being (at least what I feel) taunted by the person who robbed me because we were in the green zone. They didn't speak to me but ran in front of me multiple times, effectively egging me on and rubbing my nose in it. I decided (poorly) to take revenge. When I killed them I explained to all around why I did it. I didnät take anything of theirs. That said I know that I broke the rules and the rules are to be obeyed and respected despite how unfairly I may have felt being treated.

Why should we unban you ?
I explained my actions above but I would like to say that I do regret my moment of stupidity. I would very much like to continue my roleplay experience and promise it won't happen again. I guess I tried to make a point but in a very stupid way. I hope my sincerity comes through on this but I appreciate that text doesn't always do that justice. I also hope I can be unbanned and continue playing on the sever but will respect the decision and verdict whatever the outcome.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Reading this appeal it sounds as if you knew it was against the rules, but you did it anyway. 

Why do you think we have green-zone rules, and what made you think it was OK for you to break them?

Reading this appeal it sounds as if you knew it was against the rules, but you did it anyway. 

Why do you think we have green-zone rules, and what made you think it was OK for you to break them?
Thank you for considering this un-ban appeal.

As I understand it you have green zones to enforce a safe space for all players to encourage roleplay but to avoid players robbing, killing and various other criminal activities. To allow players a focus of the role play aspect of communicating, trading, discussing and negotiating.

I recognise I broke two of the server rules which are -

[SIZE=medium](6.1) You are unable to kill anyone in a green zone (Punishment is a ban) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](6.2) Lethal weapons must be holstered inside green zones at all times [/SIZE]

To answer your question about why I thought it was OK to break the rules, I must admit I didn't think it was OK. I know I'm not above the law or the rules, I immediately regretted it but instead of logging off or fleeing as I'm sure many do I decided to role play it.

I appreciate this does not excuse my actions and if I was extremely lucky and were given a second chance I would become a model role player. I in fact pride myself as a role player which is why after killing the person I continued to role play for another 1.5 to 2 hours to take my punishment for the in game crime. Again this does not excuse the rule breaking and I understand that. I just wanted to make the point that I'm not a child and will take responsibility for my actions. These actions will of course never happen again.

Lastly though a separate case, I noticed a day or so later the person I killed was banned for breaking rules. This does not in any way excuse my actions. I will simply say is it conceivable that this person may have also, as I said been deliberately trolling me in the green zone shortly after the robbery? I believe so. Again not an excuse for my actions and should I be lucky enough to be given a second and final chance, I will never take the server rules into my own hand or exact my own punishment. I will instead make sure I am recording all my gameplay and will report any rule breaking through this system only. With no malice or ill intent, just to make the server and player experience better.

Thank you for considering my case.

Thank you for taking the time to write a comprehensible appeal. Based on that alone I would be ready to unban you, however, after performing my usual sleuthing I have discovered a few things that raise more questions. Continue to answer then honestly and fully, and we won't have any problems.

Looking at your post history, I have come across this:

The other vehicle up the road had the other guy firing at me. I decided to ram his vehicle he was using a protection.
This is basically your admission of deliberate VDM with the intent to cause harm. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what we think of this.

And also this is a quote from the server log: "09/24/2016 8:42 PM N1tch : think im done with this server... too much bending of the rules"

All too often I see people complaining about others bending or outright breaking server rules, then they go and break them themselves. This makes me think they haven't actually read the rules at all.

So, this is your opportunity to convince me you have read and understood our rule set. If you get unbanned, you will be on your final chance. So if you have any doubt in your mind what you can or cannot do, now is your time to ask.

Thank you for taking the time to write a comprehensible appeal. Based on that alone I would be ready to unban you, however, after performing my usual sleuthing I have discovered a few things that raise more questions. Continue to answer then honestly and fully, and we won't have any problems.

Looking at your post history, I have come across this:

This is basically your admission of deliberate VDM with the intent to cause harm. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what we think of this.

And also this is a quote from the server log: "09/24/2016 8:42 PM N1tch : think I'm done with this server... too much bending of the rules"

All too often I see people complaining about others bending or outright breaking server rules, then they go and break them themselves. This makes me think they haven't actually read the rules at all.

So, this is your opportunity to convince me you have read and understood our rule set. If you get unbanned, you will be on your final chance. So if you have any doubt in your mind what you can or cannot do, now is your time to ask.


Yes I appreciate I have been overly negative and it took some getting used to on the server. How often people 'bend' the rules. I admit that when I rammed the vehicle that I admitted to, I believed those rules were allowed. Bear in mind, that he and his buddy were doing an ambush on me in a truck. The person I rammed was firing at me and this was before I had comprehensively read the rules. At least I now know having spoken to others that despite my actions that was against the VDM rules. I figured at the time I was defending myself. It wasn't a case of just ramming for the fun of it. I was trying to survive.

That said, after my ban I have gone through and read every rule now. I also understand if I want to play a law abiding citizen, an honest trader then I have my work cut out for me and can expect to be robbed on a regular basis if I don't take any support. As you will have seen from the logs the day before I was banned I worked my ass off circumventing all the usual routes to try and make some money and bought a helicopter. I had to intention of eventually as to join the BAA of the server though I appreciate this is less likely having been banned. That said I was going to start offering my services as a pilot for hire, spotter etc. This way I stay out of trouble from constantly being robbed.

The last thing I can say is that I am genuine when I say I regret my actions and I hope you understand my misunderstanding (or interpretation of the VDM rule). I posted that not to brag but to explain the situation. I imagine the person I did it too didn't post a video of me doing it because of the actions they had taken in breaking or at the very least bending of the rules. I hope my sincerity comes across at least.

Thank you again for considering my appeal.

Thank you for a full and frank explanation. Appeal approved.

I will warn you that this will be your last chance. If you find yourself banned again due to a misinterpretation of the rules, more than likely you will not be unbanned. 

I wish you the best of luck in your new ventures.

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