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Un-ban Appeal - MrChee - 06/19/2016 (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
United Kingdon
In-game Name
Mr. Chee

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Farmer Giles

Reason given for your ban.
Meta-gaming with Key chain.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I reported two players for combat logging, and in the video it shows me looking at the key chain to ID the drivers of the vehicle that is pulling up to us.

Why should we unban you ?
I understand that this is a meta-gaming issue, but i wasn't aware it is fundamentally against server rules as it isn't on the page. I dont believe that what i did was truly detrimental to the role play or the community as i would never have let the names affect the way i would have approached the situation so i dont think it is directly in contravention of 4.2. It is the same way as when you can see names above heads yet don't act upon it in RP; they are identified, but you haven't contravened 4.2 by doing so. I have been praised before by Paul Montana/Khandamir[?] for catching VDM'ers by this exact method so i feel it is a bit of a grey area.
I like to see myself as an active member of the community and forums who engages in quality role play at all times. I have been here for coming up to two years now and played in many areas of the servers with may players (just applied for NHS a few hours previously for the first time also), and honestly, would not play a life mod anywhere else... So being banned without the chance to explain myself to anyone, especially as we always do the up most to resolve an issue which is not really transparent in circumstance [like we are implored to by the system], is very upsetting to me, especially as i was only trying to do the right thing in my report anyway! I do have a strong personal interest in the server and do try very hard to avoid conflicts and situations like this. I always mean well when i play here, many people will corroborate that i would hope! 

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Yes for sure i understand now, i have also had a chat with some support staff to clear it up for me in the downtime. I just wasn't aware at the time it was against the rules (can i maybe suggest kindly that it is added to the page as an example? :) ). 

I Agree now -> using the key chain to identify players is in contravention of the ethic of the server in that you shouldn't purposefully ID anyone through name tags, either above their head or elsewhere. It makes sense, i just wasn't sure and i made an embarrassing mistake. 

This has been a reminder for me to double check anything on the rules i am unsure of!! City Wok will be having a meeting about what we can learn from this.

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I hope you have took on board what was said here


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