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Un-ban Appeal - Moon_Moon (Unbanned - Final Chance)

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In-game Name
Sierra Leone

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Vladic Ka

Reason given for your ban.
Killing in green zone

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
Well If I remember correctly, I was in Kavala and I was watching what was happening around and then there was some freshspawn kid on top of building just yelling that he is gonna jump over and over and we were laughing and we were like someone should shoot him down for fun, the chosen one was me, but we were on the edge of green zone and when I shot him with my pistol I actualy killed him and then got banned. I was actualy kinda mad, becouse it was just a fun so I went to do other things and then started to play other games and never really came back, or I tried but I was still banned and I knew it might take some time and I was lazy to do unban request. but this time Im not lazy.

Why should we unban you.
I was never a problematic user, mostly watcher in Kavala, to see some things that cannot be unseen. Running into problems with my gang, like police officers. Or being allies and helping. But Im not the kind that does not respect police or goes on the killing spree. I would like to return from time to time and do some cocaine run so that I can buy candy ingame like the old times.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Again in your own words explain the safezone rules

Again in your own words explain the safezone rules
Ahhh, after a day another question ... well ... you cannot kill anyone in the green safe zone altho police can chase you there. You cannot rob anyone this applies for stealing cars aswell. No combat in the green zone whatsoever.

Ahh another day and I have another question.

How are you going to improve your roleplay in the future?

Ahh another day and I have another question.

How are you going to improve your roleplay in the future?
Look I get your point here, of these question, but ...

To be honest here, I havent done really nothing much againts RP so I dont know why Im getting washed here like this and to deserve this. There has been yelling hobo on the roof, we talked on him and he still cried the same, so I screamed In gonna help you and shot him down and just becouse we were in the greenzone, one of us or both I dont know. I got instabanned. Its just bad that something like this, where I know what I did wrong and it was my mistake that I wasnt used to the expanded greenzone in Kavala. I shot hobo (yes he had nothing, absolutely nothin). Not mentioning this thing happend like a half year ago. And when u get sick, that these hobos dont RP like you even tho you try to speak them with RP and they just mock everyone and everything, jumping under the cars, yelling on police, bumbing into everyone and etc. Yes I did shot him, yes I did RP and he didnt, becouse my opinion, by threatening to jump and no reacting to someone else and just yelling "im gonna jump" he broke the rule of "valuing life" thus I then roleplayed a bad guy that was sick of him and shot him down. Thats it, Im good at RP I am trying my best, so I dont know why Im here like someone who killed whole population of Kavala.

I kinda find it offensive towards me, I am a good roleplayer I honor the rules and have a respect for police. I wanted to play Altis Life after half a year on my remaining freedays from work and all I got were these questions towards me like I was some newbie that doesnt know what roleplay is. Instead, my freedays are gone and I have to work now and Im still here.

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The questions are to make sure you know the rules, and that we comfortable with you being let back into the community. We pride ourselves in being a high quality RP server, and have servers that are always full the majority of the time. We have no white listing here, no mods, just a list of rules we ask people that can follow them.

If you can't be bothered or are offended by this process, then there are other servers you can join. Crumble and Myself are the only admins that primarily handle unban appeals, and we work full time jobs in real life. We're under no obligation to handle unbans in a timely manner, nor do we have to unban based on our discretion.

Unbanned for Final Chance

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