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Un-ban Appeal - monjbaker - 12/26/2016 (Unbanned)

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The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Me and my friend were being help up by 2 gunmen next to an apple farm and robbed us for the money we had on us. A third party player then came over and attempted to shoot the 2 people holding us up. I quickly got into my truck and ran one of the gunmen over (not killing him). I was banned for using my vehicle as a weapon and it was not one of the excluded 3 vehicles.

Why should we unban you ?
There was no mistake in the ban I didn't make my self fully aware of the rules and legislation of the server. From this ban I now understand fully that the server takes rules very seriously and this is something that I think makes the server stand out from some of the less serious roleplay servers. I first would like to appolagise to both the member of the community I struck with my car and the staff that had to take time out of their day to both punish me and now read through my ban appeal. I am greatly sorry and being the largest UK altis life server I would love another chance now that I have made my self fully aware of the rules and serious roleplay mentality. I know this is no excuse but my friends just bought Arma 3 and you can't really play altis life unless you play the biggest UK server it is by far the best and I really would like another chance at your server. I'm very sorry I broke the rules and me and my friends have learnt off of this and would greatly appreciate a second chance into your community. Thanks for reading and am looking forward to replies.

Thanks again Josh

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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There was a guy shooting someone who he had robbed and you decided to drive straight over him why?

Have you even read the server rules?

The guy I tried to run over was someone who held me up 10 seconds ago. I had not thoroughly read through the rules prior to the event. But since then I have read through all the rules and can see I was 100% in the wrong. I apologize for not reading all the rules when I first started the server but the last time I had played the server was over a year ago where I seemed to remember everyone in Kavala standing in the road getting run over and since I started playing again a few days ago I had no updated myself with the rules as they didn't seem that the server was as strict the last time I played. Now that I know the server is stricter and allows more serious role play I have re read the rules and would be very grateful for another chance at your server.

Suitable options I could take in future scenarios could include: Continue to roleplay as if i was in this situation in real life (act scared if someone points a gun at you) don't run or combat log. Instead while sounding scared follow the robbers instructions. After being robbed suitable reactions can be calling the police and emergency services, running away. I would not be allowed to use side chat to warn people or ask for help. I must drive my vehicle away from the scene to safety (character would be scared and desperate to escape).

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