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Un-ban Appeal - mODERKAKAA - 03/23/2017 (Unbanned)

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Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I did agree with that admin about me looking bad tru system for beeing in the Blackmarket and then in kavala, but absolutly not meant to do that.

Before the server restart at 20.00 i was like alot of other people standing inside the Kavala Square just waiting for the time to run out so i finaly could logg back in and start doing my farming run´s togheter with the gang TSM. Server got restarted and i did spawn at the house im having in Black Market, just infront of the shop. Ran into the shop and bought myself a gun, ammo and few food, I had contact with my friend and told him i was ready to get picked up for the salty run and then it happend, i could not move, display was locked i would only be able to click ESC or alt+f4, i did ESC and Aborted the game for an simple restart. In all hurry, i did by misstake logg my player back in Kavala instead of the Black Market. I was just going to abort the game again to find my self in BlackMarket area again, but then that Admin ( Deleter ) came up to me. He asked me how i moved so fast and i instantly told him that it was all a big misstake and i will be more carefull for the next time. He told me he wanted to check some stuffs and we splitted up. After having this admin coming up to me i was to scared of aborting the game to move my player back to BlackMarket ( Since i know its against the rules, teleporting ) so i just kept running around doing nothing waiting for an answer. He came back, Moved me to the island, told me i had to do an appeal and banned me. There is where i am right now

Why should we unban you ?
You should unbann me for the reason it was all a big misstake and i did absolutly not mean to abuse the rules your having on the server.
I been a member of Roleplaying Co.Uk for more then 1.5 years ( If im right ) and i did never have any problems at all during the rules of your server.
So if i, on purpose did abuse the rules it should be shown already longtime ago and i would never use veichles like helicopters/Cars to move across the boarder, but i have used the veichle all the time as you probably could see. I am a mature player at 28 years, that love this game and love this server for the reason the admins are correct and so are the rules.
I will be more carefull and dont stress myself into anything again, i would love to stay on the server and i could / would not find any other servers interested to play on besides you.

We all deserves 2 chances, i think it depends but this wont ever happend again and i hope you will feel me trustworthy

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Why do you have a different forum account?

Do you understand exactly how suspicious this is? Do you understand the severity of this offence?

Can you quote the rules you have broken and explain them in your own words?

Why do you have a different forum account?

Do you understand exactly how suspicious this is? Do you understand the severity of this offence?

Can you quote the rules you have broken and explain them in your own words?
I wasnt able to remember my old account on forum since it was a longtime ago.

Yes mate, i know what i did was very wrong and against the rules, the rules i broken are : teleporting, means i did abort the game into lobby, spawned in another city that made me move faster. So i did break Teleporting and i am so sorry about that.

Do anything of a similar nature again and you're on a 6 month cruise to permabanland.


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