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Un-ban Appeal - Mi11er - 02/17/2017 (Denied - Perm issued 25/02/2017)

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Well-known member
In-game Name
Mc Miller

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
[PAV] Blanket Ban

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for being a member of the Pavilion gang.

Why should we unban you ?
I believe I should be unbanned because during my time in the Pavilion gang i was role playing to my fullest potential as i always do. gang and when certain gang members went onto the server to RDM, VDM and barely Role play i was not apart it. For the short time i was in Pavilion i believe i was one of the best Roleplayers who were in the gang and i always tried to prevent gun fights and other situations that cause low RP. I do admit i did make the big mistake by joining Pavilion and if unbanned i will make sure not to join a gang so Toxic to the community. If this unban appeal does get approved and i am given a second chance i will try join a white listed faction like the NHS to help my Role play enhance.The Final reason why i want to be unbanned is i have been apart of this community for about 8 months now and i have loved every moment and i would like a second chance to prove to the community that i am not a RDMer and some that doesn't value Role play, I am someone that respects Role play and wants to keep a high level of Role play.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Going through your recent names;

C U L8tя M8, Osama Bin Fragging, You So Shit, YOU DED BRO

Could you explain to me the roleplay backgrounds of these?

C U L8tя M8 - At the time i used this name i was in the police and i wanted to play Rebel, So i changed my name to stop me being meta gamed because i was using illegal weapons. But by the end of it i got caught with an illegal weapon and was given 2 police warning points.

Osama Bin Fragging - Me and my gang when onto the server with similar names but i noticed that i shouldn't have "Fragging" in my name so i changed it. (I didn't much play time with this name)

You So Shit and YOU DED BRO - These two names are player profiles i have for Attack and Defend,King Of The Hill servers Etc... (If i joined the server with these names it was an accident)

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If Unbanned i feel like i should get into more Role play with the white listed factions,For example, When i get revived i would make up more pains and problems to extend the time of roleplay with the medic. For the police i would try to avoid the possibility of a gun fight, For example, If i have a MK1 i would put it in the car or try hide it so the police officer doesn't try to take it off me and this would mostly start a gun fight, I would also stop the hostility towards the police and this would result in calm RP with the police.

Yes i fully understand the rules and agree i will not go down the same path that lead me to my ban.

I began reading this, and I gave you a chance to come clean. You decided to continue on the path of not doing so, so there for you have forced my hand in these matters.

I asked you to make a appeal with the truth, you decided to continue on the lie (On purpose or not). Staff have a video of you in-game from the 2nd of Febuary, the day you don't remember being on, where you literally told people, you would rather get them shot than Roleplay with them for 15 minutes. This is not the attitude we want in this Community, and it is not the behaviour from someone who is here for Roleplay.

I am going to make some quotes from your appeal.

"gang and when certain gang members went onto the server to RDM, VDM and barely Role play i was not apart it." - and you did not report this to staff? Even anonymously so you did get marked as a bad person by your friends... This issue could have been avoided if that happened!

"For the short time i was in Pavilion i believe i was one of the best Roleplayers who were in the gang and i always tried to prevent gun fights and other situations that cause low RP."  - As explained above, that can't be right... You rather having a gun fight, than talk to people for 15 minutes...

With these information I will again deny you, however for the continously lying to me, you are forcing me to give you the permanent ban on top of denying this. So without further talk.


Come back in 6 months.

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