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Un-ban Appeal - Marios - 05/06/18 (Denied)

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POPO station
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Lying for my Age ( 11 days isn't that much tbh )

Why should we unban you ?
I believe you misunderstood I didn't say let everyone break rules nor don't punish players who break the rules. I do understand you can't unban everyone. Back to my case, as I have explained in my previous appeal it s not a charisma to lie to somebody but I believe my punishment was a bit heavy for just 11 days. I do regret lying to sonders and I do promise I won't lie to you again. From now on it s your decision if you want to let me play on your server or not.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

You are right: it is our decision if we let you play on our server again, however, with your attitude the way it is, and your apparent inability to accept what you did was wrong, I think you have a long way to go. I'd also be very careful laying the blame at our feet, when you're the one trying to convince us to unban you!

The rules very clearly state:

(1.9) Providing a false age when applying to join a whitelisted faction in order to circumvent the age limits is punishable by a ban.
Regardless of if there was 11 days or 111 days before you became the required age, the fact of the matter is that you still lied about it. So you were punished with a ban. You say you regret lying to Sonders, but I think you simply regret being caught and punished.

So why did you lie, rather than be honest about how old you actually were? Why didn't you wait the 11 days, if that's really all that was left?

So why did you lie, rather than be honest about how old you actually were? Why didn't you wait the 11 days, if that's really all that was left?
To be exactly honest I hadn't thought I would get into trouble for such a little period but I guess I was wrong + if I knew it I would be probably bored to wait so I wouldn't apply at all and then there wouldn't be a reason for me to be in the server for 11 days ( which again isn't a huge deal but.. ).

Marios, The last comment you left was very interesting to say the least. I replied with the bellow.

If we let everyone break rules. Our player base will drop

If we don't punish players who break rules. Our player base will drop.

If we unban everyone who puts in an appeal and does not mean what they say. Our Player base will drop.

All this works because most players play within the rules and know that if people don't they will be punished. Which creates a level playing field which people like.

Not unbanning you helps our player base. 
Make me change my mind?

You have had long enough to think of a reply now. If you don't reply soon your report will be timed out.

I really cant think how I can make you to change your mind but, as you state you cant unban everyone  breaking rules and I m not here with the intention of breaking the rules ( which I unfortunately have and I got punished for it which is fair  ). With that being said I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't get unbanned but if you don't unban ANYONE then do not expect your player base going up  ( which is pretty high tbh now ) and will only keep going down because at some point everyone screws up

Everyone screws up, that is true. But if people do have the interest to stick around, they will do what they can to improve and get themself unbanned
and able to play again.

We dont get that vibe from you.
So, why should we trust you now?


Please apply soon or your report will be timed out.

Why shouldn't you? I mean you have trusted other people why wouldn't you trust me, and I don't mind if you don't get any vibe or anything I have read the rules so many times by now so I have improved even if you don't believe me.

This isn't a debate on how our server numbers go up or down. It's about you convincing us, the guys who give up our free time to deal with these appeals, that you deserve a second chance. 

Why shouldn't you? I mean you have trusted other people why wouldn't you trust me
Mainly because they focus on their appeal and dedicate themselves to convincing us that what they did was wrong and should be given another opportunity to prove themselves.

I've seen none of that here. Try again when you're ready to focus on you, and your appeal.

Appeal Denied.

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