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Un-ban Appeal - Lesnah - 09/12/18

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e6 2jp
In-game Name
BaybirD (probably this one)

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
my friend was driving a car and he did vdm i said do not but so quick admin just teleported and said why you are doing this i said i didnt my friend did and we was wearing same tag we banned together with him

Why should we unban you ?
almost 3 years happened i learned lot of thinks i read every rules here and i know every rules i promise i will follow every rule and please unban my accounds i promise it will not happen anymore even with this friend we arent friends anymore it was a mistake  i just want to play innocesnly for fun the game and i read every rules here im so sorry please unban me as i said it was years ago because i wasnt know there is a form for unban i just want to play and have fun with following rules it was a huge mistake i still dont know why he did that.

btw if u ask me why it took that long to come and write here? because i wasnt know to s hould do like that for explain my sitaution for unban in last month i find the teamspeak and i came than support team helped me to what should i to thankfully to them ❤️

also (2.1) Vehicle Deathmatch so we broke that rule im so sorry it will never ever happen again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Years changed me as being a good player as well not trolling just rping and having fun my goal is so my plans are having a good time here and having good friends.

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Something isn't adding up here.... You blame your friend for everything yet a very reliable staff member banned you for RDM.

There are two options here, you tell us the truth or I will have to do some digging.

If you have lied to us in this unban by blaming your friend for your actions then I can assure you, you wont be getting unbanned.

I will do some digging tonight so you have until this time tomorrow to decide on how you are going to play this.

sir, but my ban cause is VDM and it wasn't RDM also I couldn't  even  kill someone in 30/01/17 my pc was so slow and my fps was around 20 like max hardly already I could able to play I just remember I did some work for earn money and I can communicate with my old mate I can try to find his steam URL we both banned cause of VDM he was driving  I'm sure from that sir. I don't know if he sorry but I am so sorry for that sir... also I can explain how it exactly happened...

we both were doing some work he werent know English well and then he bought a car than he did VDM at the police station than admin teleported me firstly than asked why are you doing VDM he asked probably and I didn't understand well VDM but then he said  (btw I can remember he was like blue Tron suit and next to the church) vehicle and.... I couldn't understand well again then I said oh yeah VDM it wasn't me it was my friend and he said don't tell me to lie I said not it is not sir than I am banned at this date with him after me he said I am teleported too and banned

so, sir, I am so sorry for that it will never ever happen I promise that and I do not tell lie for unban myself if i do VDM i could tell and i would tell i am so sorry it will not happen again it was a mistake i apologize also still i am saying i am so sorry i just want to have fun also please sir find the truth i just want to play for fun thats all i want this cause im here my last time was in 2017 of the first month and i saw how good is that server than i started to play but just one mistake made everything bad i apologize for him i really just want to have fun with following rules i promise i will never do anything banned so without rules i read the rules twice all of them in these last month i came to teamspeak for insormations i really wanted to play just for fun without trolling (by the way i dont like trolling i like roleplay servers cause of as In real life and this server was awsome i found this website a month ago im so sorry forgive my wrongs i should find it before)

sir, i believe you will do the truth i just wanted to play in this amazing server and how admins are responsible  i played lot of roleplay servers and im reporting to guy and he is not taking any ban or something and in this server law is law really i believe that and this cause i like and want to play at this trustable, amazing and between the best players
(btw i mean best players like which is follows rules mostly)

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so next time if you get yourself into the same situation again, What will you do different? 

I will tell my friend it is vdm you cant do that or im gonna get out of car but if i driving the car i will wait or get out of car and i am gonna say "sir, i cant drive my car if you stay there sir. Can you move little bit away from frond of the car please" i could tell and i could try to start roleplay in every situation this is roleplay my goal is having a fun so i could start roleplay even from little things only for fun

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Obviously its been a long time since you were banned and you appealing now. Can you confirm that you've go back and re-read all our rules and understand them fully as there have been multiple changes to them.

Ok, sir, i will read again but I read twice already in this month because as I said I found this website and everything here new also you can see i know which is i should not or i should sir.

This is my main accound and baybird is second one anymore i bought arma 3 new and i just wanted to play at this server i started to do some apple i was gathering money with this guy and he just turned to admin later than turned back to normal civil and he explained me i am admin and etc im impressed how good is server and admins are helping no lag no ping and i wad kinda impress from everything in this server than i remembered i was banned from vdm in first month of the 2017 i asked is there a teamspeak to admin he replied yes and send to link then i came to support and from there i found to website than i explained to situation to admins and they banned my main accound too and i wonder why because i wasnt doing anything bad i was just doing apple with my van and they explained me it is banned your other accound is banned too because i said to him after that i wrote here meanwhile in 2 days while im waiting answer i read all the rules thats happened like that sir so it is my accound too

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