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Un-ban Appeal - kylord2 - 09/20/2017 (Unbanned Final Chance 28/09/2017)

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New member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Personally, I believe that I was banned because I RDM'ed someone. Firstly, you must understand that I did not want the person to feel cheated by my actions, as now I realise, after my ban, that I was in the wrong and am sorry. Basically, what happened was a guy was robbing the petrol station at Agios Fuel, me and my friend decided to set up an ambush to get some money. When he emerged he got into his van and we shot him, stole his earnings and made our escape. At the time it seemed logical to take the shot as he would have escaped otherwise; however upon reflection I now see that my actions were rash, immature and bang out of order. I never wanted to cause any harm to the recipient and am very sorry for my actions.

Why should we unban you ?
As I said, no harm was intended, either physical and emotional, against the person and I am sorry for my actions. They were rash and a more calculated stance should have been taken. Upon reflection, I believe that I have done an injustice to this person and am willing to offer compensation if the ban is appealed. I do agree that I am in the wrong and I accept the consequences; however, many of my friends play on this server and I would still like to converse with them. If this ban is appealed then I assure you that you will not hear from me again, you can quote me on that.
Thank you for your time,

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Please list any rules you broke and explain them in your own words. 

In essence, this rule means that you can't just murder someone with no justification (they annoyed you etc), as that would contradict the essence of this roleplay server. For example, if your intention is to rob someone, you MUST make it evident in your initiation; else complications with Rule 2.2 WILL occur. This may result in a teamspeak confrontation, or in my case a ban. You must fabricate an appropriate story, to not break rp, and if all goes well , no blood will be shed. For obvious reasons, this rule does not apply in the red zone, as both parties are accepting the chance that they may die as a result.

Could you please provide your steam 64 id before with continue with this unban appeal.

Firstly this: 76561198093413931 is your correct steam ID.

Secondly despite you breaking one of our most simple rules you appear to have learned from your mistake and seem ready to move forward and follow the rules so I'm willing to unban you for your final chance.

Don't dissappoint me, Unbanned for a final chance 28/09/2017

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