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Un-ban Appeal - KipperTurb - 04/12/18

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The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because of 2.2 which yes I totally understand why it was placed on me but i was in rebel outpost and my friend was down these new guys arrived and started buying gear when they got out i said leave him alone or shots will be fired but i don't think we all got that on video i only have 10m of it recorded however couple of mins after that they started dragging him arounf i was hiding in the house during this and when they was about to execute him i opened fired on them this resulted with them all dead and accusing me off rdm in chat, i went to ts with them and they was all saying how they wont show me the video which was weird and was only asking to see mine....I didn't provide them with it then the chat ended i then had a covo with Jeff's and he said they wont take it further and agreed with that then 5 mins later they posted the report after I even said sorry and was willing to pay comp my friend did meta game for a second and spoke to me in comms so I muted up and continued with the situation...but I completely understand why I was banned. As it might not have been as understanding and clear of my iniation to them.
My next report with ridge i have already discussed with him.

The Report for combat logging in rz was not at all as i broke my monitor out of anger when arguing in real life at same time of situation i even have prove of my old monitor broken during the sit so i left the game complelety

Why should we unban you ?
I'm a very loyal player to the server playing 12+ hours or more a day and love the server with compassion and joy... i use up all my free time here and i sometimes make some mistakes but its a huge learning curve and i love to be back soon and stay away form pvp for a while as it seems to always go bad on my side i will go and read the rules again for the 3rd time so far just to take in more knowledge whilst im banned 🙂

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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i sometimes make some mistakes but its a huge learning curve
So this is your 2nd ban here, And you also are banned on 2 other community's 
This looks to me that you have a lack of respect for any rules. 
How can we be certain you will follow them this time? 
Also explain to me Unusual money behaviour happend the 2018-11-18 10:10:26 and involved £ 10,002,998

I’m banned on one other community as it’s a server I don’t play on anymore from old friends I came here because how serious and very nice roleplay it’s sometbing to get used to yes I understand I make mistakes I’m not gonna be perfect but these bans have proper made me learn from them I’ve read the rules 4 times since my last ban I’m still reading them today I just want one last chance I promise to not let you down or anyone else. Like I said I will stay away from PvP in the server for a while and work on my roleplay a lot more.

What do you mean the unusual with the 10 million I don’t get what you mean mate refresh my memory.

I just think if I’m making so much effort into coming back to the swr ever don’t it show I want to try. I’m desperate to come back.

its not hard on the 2018-11-18 10:10:26 you recieved 10 mill. 
Where does it come from? 

i know you got banned on 2 other communities for not following rules. 
on one of them you already got unbanned. 
And there rules are less strict then ours, So how can we be sure you will follow them? 
What will you do to prevent you breaking the rules? 

Are you sure your on about the right person ? I may of did money stacks from red zones that’s all I know mate my balance is around 9 million I believe can’t really remember.

All I do lately when I play is grInd red zones buddy 

I promise to not break rules again mate and I know they are less strict on other servers that’s why I like it here it’s more serious “Rp” actually means something here.

I don’t get what your talking about my bank balance?

The current money in my bank would most likely be my savings from doing stack of cash in red zones that’s pretty much how I got 10 million it’s kinda op for cash ah

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Clearly, you haven't read and understood the unban appeal rules.

Locked for 7 days for bumping.

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Did you read the rules around the unban appeal process?

If so, why did you not make note of the parts saying there is no time frame for your appeal - it takes as long as it takes.

Also the part that says about not bumping appeals.

You clearly hadn't read the unban appeal terms before submitting your appeal and judging by your record it seems you're completely incapable of following the rules we have in place here, Stavik mentioned on your last appeal around a month ago that you needed some time off the server and I completely agree with him. 

Denied, Appeal 3 months from now and not a day earlier. If you attempt to reappeal before the 3 months are up your appeal will be denied and another month will be added to your wait.

Although your appeal has been Denied, please give the rules a thorough read here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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