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Un-ban Appeal - Jordan Rants - 22/11/17(Unbanned)

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Jordan Rants

Active member
In-game Name
Woody Riots

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Well, The staff explained it to me, and told me i were doing poor rp. My friends truck got stolen, so i asked if he could get out. The thief did not, so i pulled my gun out and told him to get out. He starts driving away and i fire about two bullets at him (this was in a gz). After that i follow him down the street out of the Gz where he stops and i gave him a small ram. When he turned around to try and get away, i block his way so he cant get away.He tries to ram trough me and we both blow up. I should have rped the sit a bit better, by telling him the reason to getting out of the truck and telling him that i would shoot his tires if he tries to drive away. I understand that now.

Why should we unban you ?
Well firstly, i really enjoy this server and ive spent way too much time on it to go to waste. I love roleplaying and i just joined a group where we do cool missions and stuff. I belive that i am a good member of the society, and promise i wont do poor rp as i did when i got banned. I played on this server everyday, and loved it. Ive read all the rules again to make sure i wont mess up again. Belive me, i wont! Thank you for reading this, and have a nice day.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Please quote me the rules you have broken and explain to me why this won't occur again in the future?

Please quote me the rules you have broken and explain to me why this won't occur again in the future?

Here are the rules i broke:
(2.1) Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM) - Using any vehicle as a weapon (e.g running people over, causing explosions including while sling loading, ramming, etc), will result in you receiving a ban. Three vehicles are excluded from this, MRAPS (Ifrits, Hunters and Striders) can ram other MRAPS in order to disable them, yet not to kill the passengers. This is allowed as these vehicles are the only vehicles ingame that can withstand being rammed. Please note that you need to initiate roleplay before attempting to ram an MRAP. (Please note - MRAPS don't need to be initiated on in the redzone) This is to prevent random ramming on site. (Three minutes of chasing also constitutes initiation of MRAP and MRAP ramming).

(2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).

I wont brake these rules again, because i have learned from my mistakes. it was the heat of the moment and i didnt think about it. This WILL NEVER happen again.


You understand that shouting 'get out, get out, get out' does not constitute high quality roleplay, had this situation occurred again, could you tell me what you would have done differently?

You understand that shouting 'get out, get out, get out' does not constitute high quality roleplay, had this situation occurred again, could you tell me what you would have done differently?
i would have firstly asked him to get out of the car nicley. And after a while if he did not get out i would tell him i would call the police. if he still wouldent get out. i had called the polcie and let them handle it.

You are not required to be nice (so long as it's in RP), and whilst calling the police is a good answer, lets say you decide you're going to deal with this yourself and not involve the police. What would you have done different. 

You are not required to be nice (so long as it's in RP), and whilst calling the police is a good answer, lets say you decide you're going to deal with this yourself and not involve the police. What would you have done different. 
So again i would start of nice at first, then if he keeps denying i would Bring out my gun and tell him that if he drvies i will shoot his wheels, if he then drives i would fire at the wheels and hopefully stop him. this is if i am not calling the police

Read this if you haven't done so already.

Up your roleplay game and be creative.

Second chance given - Unbanned 

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