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Un-ban Appeal - John Boehner (Unbanned)

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Dear Admins 

John Boehner has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: John Boehner
Your Steam Profile ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198089288083/home
Your GUID or Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:64511177
Date & Time you was banned:: 24/11/2014
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Mr.Blonde
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: I was banned for an incident revolving around my vehicle which was used to ram a medic who was in the helicopter. I believe the fact I was banned, not for a temporary time, was due to my apparent arrogance and denial of my accused involvement. I would like to apologize for my apparent arrogance - I was irritated nobody believed me in the matter.

Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: 3A) VDM - Vehicle Death Match Definition:

Using your vehicle for running people over, using it to ram into other vehicles in and outside combat, using a vehicle with the purpose of making it explode are all considered a form of VDM here (Punishment is a ban)

However using the following vehicles to immobilise each other (eg. Hunter VS Ifrit or Strider VS Ifrit etc) is permitted in roleplay for whitelisted factions or people in ownership of a rebel membership - Hunter/Strider/Ifrit
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I always stood by the rules and never broke them once. I enjoyed this server, I was online daily. I had saved up to by a Box HEMTT and was actually about to start a new money making scheme to efficiently ship cocaine to be processed and then sold, along with a few friends. However, all this stopped sadly. I know it is hard to believe me, in your position I would struggle too. However, hand on heart, what I say is the truth. I did not commit the crime, but, I understand why I have paid the price. I want to be back on this server bad, and I am more than willing to discuss this matter in the TS3 channel with a staff member and resolve the situation. A year on I still say what I said then because I am determined not to soil any possible chances on this server with a rule break on my record. Thanks for reading, and I hope you guys see me as telling the truth :D
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below: http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/10308-john-boehner-action-ban-issued-24112014/#comment-59573

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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Community ID: 76561198089288083

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]GUID:[/COLOR]88302f856e0bb681830f3f500eb34689

Another one not on my system 

Where have you been to have taken from November until now to dispute this ban?

I just gave up trying to put my point forward at the time. I saw it hopeless. I also got bored of majority of video games, and I still am. However I really do want to play Altis life again, and on this server for that matter. In my opinion it is far the best one. That's why I am making my second unban request now and not before, and thanks for the GUID etc. I really didn't know if I'd found the right thing before :)

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That was more for Wilco than you, but if you click the Stats button at the top, you can check yourself out....

@Wilco  Sorry to tag you in, Awaiting Action.

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