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Un-ban Appeal - jhonny Franlin - 01/07/2017 Unbanned

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CSI Daniel Snow

Well-known member
south west uk bath
In-game Name
for Jhonny Franklin as he is banned from the forum

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Because i share a in my opinion funny picture from vladic_ka's stream later realising it said something in the top left corner without me realising now i should have looked at it first before posting it that was stupid of me. And because i was silly enough en though it would be funny to call someone in this comunity a snake and posted on his profile snake nation and posted on my profile snakes do play arma 3 this was stupid and i was drunk at the time but that doesn't mean i shouldn't be punished for it.

Why should we unban you ?
Because I simply love this server and the people in it i have made some mistakes in my passed some of them where more silly than others and me being a stupid little child. I am very very sorry and will not post anything ssilly on other people's acounts or being "toxic" in general. I am also sorry if anyone was offended by any of my actions and if you are i will happely apologise to you.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Because this is a 1.6 ban forum profile and TSID needs to be given as well.

Please explain everything you learned from this experience.



I have learned from this that stuff that I like maybe offensive to other people which I do apologise for again and will reframe from posting questionable things on the forums I also now feel what it is to be part of this community cause you don't know how good it is until you aren't in it anymore I miss my friends I miss the fun hours on the server there is no server like this one and I would love to be on it again.

Again I am truly sorry for what I did and what I have done in the past it is childish and inappropriate behavior and will refer from it for ever

Right Jhonny, you seem rather genuine in your apology therefore I am going to give you another chance, I hope that you take everything on board here and actually have learned from what you have done. If you do anything like this again you will be perm banned, consider this your last warning. No more causing drama on the forums, you will still have your posting restriction that will expire in 11 days.


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