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Un-ban Appeal - Jhin Four - 09/07/18 (Unbanned)

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Jhin Four

In-game Name
Adolf Hasselhoff

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Valen Bell

Reason given for your ban.
there was a tank in the nuclear area and I did not like it. I did not like it and I drove it and shot it once and shot

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
that u guys think that I spawn it in but on the video, u can see what we see it was there the before us

Why should we unban you ?
because I love the community and I was really sad about it that I was banned for something that I not did and I was looking today and u guys did reply but I was not looking for a while and I will report stuff if it does not belong in the server I'm sorry for the trouble that I shot with the tank and drove in it but I did not spawn it in

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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We have an "Edit" function for a reason, I suggest you learn how to use it.

Locked 3 days for bumping.

This video shows me nothing but you driving around the corner in a tank. Do you not have a video from your side?

@Jhin Four Reply soon or your report will be timed out.

yes I was driving in the truck but the tank was there before we show up and I was driving in the hill and then I was driving behind him and he was there first and says that the tank is broken and I wanted to test the tank and then I was driving  toward them and I want to test that it can shoot exactly on that moment that is shoot I got banned

and I'm sorry that I did not report that the tank was there and I need to shoot with it 

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Sorry no, I don't have it in my side, Sir.

I can't say much about it but I'm serious I did not  spawn the tank in I shot the tank and got banned that's all 

I have a video I do the run but that is on another day, not the same day and there was no tank pls I did nothing wrong except that I shot the tank nothing more and I play 2/3 years on the server and I love it and why would I cheat on it  

I'm sorry  for the trouble 

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no sir  i can exactly tell with i was  that day with johnny willems  and ace visconti but ace visconti is not his real altis name he did change it yhea only that my older brother his name is youri but that can't be it becuse he doesn't  play Altis Life because he can't roleplay and he haven't bin  on the server for a long time I can give you his steam profile if you want and I can give you the real names from the guys I played with 

I hoop that the info is helpful 

Ask me anything if you need more information  sir 

Everything it takes 

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We will keep a very close eye on you.

If you and your friends encounter something like this in the future, you conatct the staff team, ingame, TeamSpeak or Discord.


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