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Un-ban Appeal - Jensiboy - 06/15/2016 (Unbanned)

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North Korea
In-game Name
Walter White

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
It doesn't show me who banned me

Reason given for your ban.
Running into greenzone after a gun fight

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
First of all, I'd like to start of by saying that it was a chaotic situation. What happened was that my friend and I drove out of the greenzone. When we were just 30 meters outside we stopped our car and jumped out. As we jump out we also automatically pull up our guns. A group of people were staying next to the car, and one of them proceeds to put his hands up, thinking we were robbing him. But I never said anything to him, neither did my friend. After that I just stood there and told him that he could put his hands down. As I were talking to the man my friend decided to rob another guy further down the street. My friend told the guy to stop, but he didn't so he shot him. My friend was the one who shot, not me. After my friend had killed that man (Who he had the rigth to kill, since he didn't obey him) we jumped back in the car, and about 1 minute later we returned to the greenzone. When we got there a gentlemen called "The Great Khan" showed up. He started typing to me in OOC and said I had broken the "Running into greenzone after a gunfight" rule. I immediately told him that was false, as I never fired my gun, and I proceeded to tell him that it was my friend. He laughed and told me that it was me, and moments later I was banned. I never got the opportunity to talk to any staff member of any kind, neither did I get the oppportunity to explain what had happened.

Why should we unban you ?
I think my ban was unfair as the situation was complicated. Unfortunately I don't have any evidence to prove my point. This is also my second ban, and I would never risk being permanently banned for such a simple thing as "running into the greenzone after a gunfight". I do know the rules, and knew about this one aswell. The reason I returned to the greenzone was that I knew I hadn't broken a rule. I love to play with friends on this server, aswell as I love to meet new people on here. I've always loved roleplay type of games, and I've really "settled in" on the server. I feel that I help the community as much as I can by teaching new players the basics of the server, and I have also referred many of my friends to the server. Now that the new expansion Apex is being released I was so exited to play Tanoa Life. I really hope you consider unbaning me, as I would never break a rule after my first ban. Thanks

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I remember people complaining about these fellas in side chat so I watched them for a bit. They both were killing people leading up to this. So I watched them rob and kill someone then ran into the green zone. 

Edit: You say you have "settled in" here however your only posts are all appeals.

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2 ban appeals, that's all. And yes, I do feel like I've "settled in". Do I really have to be an active poster on a forum to be a part of the community? Im still 100% sure I did not do anything wrong. Both killing people? My friend shot one guy. I didn't shoot anyone. Sure, we shot someone earlier, but that was atleast 30 minutes before this episode. Please reconsider my ban, I'll try to find some video evidence in the meantime.

Im not the one you need to convince. The staff member who deals with it will decide if they want someone who is actively robbing people with a friend then goes to the greenzone after back on the server.

I never shot anyone, never pulled the trigger, never shot a wall, never shot anything. I pulled up my gun after I got out of my car, sometime later I returned to the greenzone. Is that not allowed? My friend shot someone, but he didn't return to the greenzone. None of us did nothing wrong. Thanks for replying.

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I never shot anyone, never pulled the trigger, never shot a wall, never shot anything
You were part of the group that were robbing people however. 

If a similar scenario would happen again next to a greenzone what would you do differently?

@JuniorIf we are robbing someone outside greenzone in the future, I'll make sure I wont return to the greenzone. Atleast not for 5-10 minutes. Also I will probably move even further away from the greenzone before deciding to rob anyone, to not cause chatoic and complicated situations.

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