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Un-ban Appeal - Honda2k18 - 08/06/18 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name
SoE HonDa [KP]

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Yankee & Rekkemmo

Reason given for your ban.
7.2.5 5.4 7.1.3

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

So last night I made a complete fool out of myself and my team by invading a very well put together RP sic when we shouldn't of.

7.1.3 Was my poor RP with the police officer because I ordered him to be killed when I shouldn't because the lack of time in my poor RP amounted it to look and play out afoul 
7.2.5 By the looks of things I Broke 7.2.5 in technically two cases here once being involved with the police office I spoke of on the line above and a 2nd time when I was downed asking team member that I need blood via group text.
5.4 At 1st thoughts I didn't believe I broke this rule but after carful reading I see now why this was another one, Again in group chat I broke this by providing tactics i.e. "kill the that cop" but I did it throw group chat instead of direct chat

Why should we unban you ?
I hope to be unbanned for my mistakes as I have learned how I have caused this trouble and will take this as opportunity to adjust my way of thinking towards making myself a better member of the RPUK and much less of somebody that wants to cause such a nonsense such as this one.

I do without a shadow of doubt admit and acknowledge what I had done is completely unacceptable and I can here by promise you I love this server and game way to much to put myself in this predicament again, I can only ask for your forgiveness to my stupid actions,

Hopefully you`ll be able to see that I honestly am sorry, I know my RP as Arms dealer and "Kingpin" of SoE Are very rebel-ish but I understand I took way too far guys 

please give me another chance if I end up back on Ban afterwards for another occasion such as this please show me the door

Also "AFM" Please let me take this chance to apologise for my disgusting actions that ruined your groups Plan/Mission

I can only say if I am given only just a moment at best to try and attempt to make it up for what I done.

Truly sorry.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Do you enjoy playing here still? I read some of the messages you have sent in-game and I don't get that impression that you are having much fun.

I love this game bro, I work in transport and I only get enough time to play the 8pm-12am server, And on weekends Arma on RPUK server is where I normally spend it

Iv only been around for just over two months and I'm completely hocked, I am genuinely sorry that I caused this drama and now have started taking up others time also.

Sorry didn't know what else to put

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Can you quote us the rules your boke and explain them to us in your own words?

(7.1.3) Killing somebody that is zip tied has to be done with a high quality of role play before the killing happens if not it basically the next thing to RDM

(7.2.5) When downed you cant NOT use any form of coms other then direct chat (Meta gaming) and or When being involved in a high level crime only those already involved can only take part so calling for back up over sidechat /comms is not allowed

(5.4) Can only shout to those around you when bleeding out, But you can NOT tell other players any tactics, You are bleeding to death and should be move forced on your blood leaving your body then the guy behind a wall you can see.

Explain them to us in your own words aswell. 

Why do we have these rules ?

I already explained the rules in my own words.


(5.4) When you are revived/downed:

You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 15 minutes.

Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they are downed.

While you are downed you may not divulge tactical information to anyone. The exception to this is information spoken in direct chat in game. Please be mindful that you are heavily injured and should act accordingly.


(5.4) "Can only shout to those around you when bleeding out, But you can NOT tell other players any tactics, You are bleeding to death and should be move forced on your blood leaving your body then the guy behind a wall you can see"

As citizens of altis we respect the laws because they are clearly communicated and fairly enforced by Admins like yourself . Everyone is held accountable to the same laws, and those laws protect our fundamental rights to have fun on the server and to keep prosperity within the community.

Hope this is a reasonable reply I  didn't know what else to put.

The one question I don't see answered here is 'WHY' you took it upon yourself to break all these rules. What was going through your mind at the time?

I broke the rules because: It was lapse in judgment to break the rules because It was a heated moment and obviously I didn't act accordingly to the rules,

What was going through your mind at the time? : I couldn't tell you as you can imagen it all happened so quick so id be lying if I gave any answer which wasn't this one.

If I could go back to the moment before it all happened, I would of stayed clear of the whole thing, And if I had no choice but to engage other players I would of used better Role play, And once I Was bleeding out I would of just sat there silent and waiting for whatever would of happened next

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With so many rules broken, and several warnings logged, it's hard to justify letting you back. However I am going to give you one more chance to prove yourself.  If you do find yourself banned in the future, I will most likely be permanent. 

Don't screw up!


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