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Un-ban Appeal - HashPalace (Denied)

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In-game Name
Hash Palace

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Battleye Admin kick

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I have now seen the video of the guy I killeds perspective, the game completely lagged out on me so I had no idea what was happening,
I just assumed if he had a gun, hiding behind his car, he was going to shoot me or my friend, I was wrong though, but I was unable to see for a few seconds
The next thing I knew is I had shot him while he was running away, which i would never do as he was not a threat

Why should we unban you.
I'm a good member of the community, always looking to help new players and participate in good roleplay with every player I meet.
I really enjoy this server and have made good friends because of it, would really be a shame not to be able to join them again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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If your game was lagging why not stop?

I panicked, my error was assuming he would fire at me after seeing my gun as I approached him, I was unable to hear Princess Jake, and he was unable to hear me also

I panicked, my error was assuming he would fire at me after seeing my gun as I approached him, I was unable to hear Princess Jake, and he was unable to hear me also
So you think it is okay to shoot someone without speaking to them if you are afraid they will do it to you?

The thing is I did speak to him but the lag was 10 seconds long, I was running towards the drug dealer with my gun out.

But even so as I said It was my error to assume, i'm sorry for this and will not do it again, I do feel if it didn't lag so badly I couldn't hear him at that time we would have spoken and this wouldn't have happened

I forgot to add we couldn't hear eachother, from his video I can see he was lagging just as bad as me, or even more so

You were unbanned for a final chance just a month ago. And now you are back here. The first time you were just learning to drive, and this time it was lag. How come it is never your fault? Also, your gang member bodyglitched him which is a very serious offence. Why are you playing with glitchers? @HashPalace

I do claim responsibility for this, but the lag definitely didn't help,

I had no idea he had done that, and have no idea how he did it

Since you decided to message me about it yesterday, I have no choice but to deny this.


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