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Un-ban Appeal - GTO. Martijnios - 08/01/18 (Unbanned)

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Active member
In-game Name
[SCF] Martin [SS]

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Breaking RP

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
At the date 07/01/2018 we (3 people) were trying to rob some people at uranium trader. Two trucks arrived but so did 2 other robbers. As soon as we took over the situation and got control of it, we had everyone put their hands up and there was no problems. Some cops arived (apparantly after you put your hands up and your mobile is gone you can still tip off the cops) we asked them to leave and they did. Then some van arrived with UNMC and I asked one to put up their hands, they didn't. I did not shot becaues there had been no roleplay yet. I am in a building with one friend. Suddenly he gets shot so I go stand on the balcony with my hands up. While I have my hands up I get shot by Gen Reece Smurf [unmc] or something. We had been waiting there for 30-40 minuts and we were trying to roleplay. So were the guys of the trucks. Everyone was RP'ing very well. So when I got shot I got fed up and made a huge misstake. I do realise this. I also realised I made the misstake instantly, and changed from being an idiot on voice to teamspeak. I said in voice that it was 'nice' RolePlay and they were supposed to be better than this as UNMC. I can not be more sorry about making that misstake. I should not have break RP but was just really sad about what happened. At that point I had played about 11 hours on the server that day. So when I knew it was the end of a great run of good experiences I was very frustrated. There are no excuses and I am sincere about how bad I feel about my misstake.

Why should we unban you ?
When I am on the server I am always roleplaying and teaming up with people. I made many friends on the server by roleplaying. Many can vouche for that. In the last weekend I came in contact with RDM and Fail RP but couldn't deliver evidence for it. In those situations I never broke RP and in the future I would not. I know this was a misstake I don't want to make because of my believe in the strong RP in the server. I just joined a family with strong RP rules and couldn't be happier. But now I am banned I cannot play. I hope the server can forgive me and give me another chance.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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If to your opinion there is bad RP in a situation and you don't agree with you should speak to the ones involved to get it resolved no need to shout it out whilst lying on the ground.  How will you proceed this in the future?

Next time. I will keep my role, and not use voice chat to express my frustration. After the roleplay would be over I would go on teamspeak and contact the person on there. If this would not be conclusive or he would not come on teamspeak I will use the forums as my method of speach in stead of getting out of role in-game. Offcourse I will respect everyone in question as I would like the same respect from him!

I do apologise again. I went way out of line! 

Let's hope that you have indeed learnt from this and we won't see you back here again.

I'd also advise removing the [SS] from your name when your return.


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