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Un-ban Appeal - Goku REBorN (Unbanned - Final Chance)

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SGT Goku

Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
The Soldier

Reason given for your ban.
Fail RP

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
As it appears for Fail RP ( Bad Rollplay or the Lack of it by restraining without warning just after revive ) but in my defence im pretty sure ive warned him about it, and i only did it because they had been following my friends huron arround, and acctualy shot several times ( MX 6.5 RED Tracers ) at my friends chopper (my friends had to leave it due to damage mage) me and another friend were also just turning arround on an Orca, and we picked theam up, and went for revend, we told theam to stop, they didnt, we forced theam to and he oppened fire at us, a gunfigh in wich he ended up dead ( 2nd guy left the sceane) we called medics and revived my friend and him ( in wich i think i told him we would take him for a tour ( only way to do so is if he his restrained therefore i knocked him down since i have to do so to restrain, and puted him in the Orca. Til so far ive explained you my side of the story till the Reason of my ban, but sadly the story doesnt end here.
About 7 8 minutes after this, one of my friends in a HMMT got Shot, without no warning what so ever ( after that time i think he has to re-engage RP no? ) but he did not ( we are talking about the one who got away now, he tried to kill us, but he ended up dead aswell, and since we did not want to wait for medics again we did not waited for him to get revived neither we called the medics ( may i just had that WE ASKED THE MEDIC TO REVIVE THE 1st ONE, i dont see many people doing that, we didnt wanted him to loose his stuff )
We left the spot at this time, 2 of us in HMMTs and 2 on the orca with the other guy, i was on the orca and i discused with him the whole situation, in wich he told me he havent heard me before getting zipptied and were he ackowleged to have RDMed was, at this time my friend flying the Heli crashes, and i lost contact with the dude, waited a bit in agios ( crash went down near Talos so way more then 1km ) just covered one of my friends to store his money at the ATM and left to sleep since i had an Appointment with SGT Conner to do my PA.
So this is pretty mutch what i got banned for, sadly ShadowPlay was not working at the time as some people on the server know i was struggling to get it to work. but ive format my PC and its working now.( if any of you has the same issue where Gforce Experience does not work after upgrading to Win10, just Format to Factory Settings and it will work )

Why should we unban you.
I think i should be unbaned because i consider myself a Fair Player, i also consider myself a Good Roll Player, im dedicated to this server and most particulary to the ALPD where i was about to do my PA and finaly become a PC ( stop being a blueberry sounded so good ), and mostly because i met alot of nice people in this server, and i would love to be able to be by their side, and if any of you who reads this knows me i think youll have the same opinion, its not like me to break the rules, not in this server, not anywhere, i know verry well they are not just a simple guideline on behavior, but Actual rules, my friends maybe they dont care cose they moved on from Arma, but i did not, and i would love to stick playing with the best people there is.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Last night I got multiple complaints of you and the other people you were playing with vdming people with the orca and also rdming so I decided to watch. You were banned for failing to role play because a player you killed had been waiting for the medics. As soon as the medic came and revived someone, your gang told the medic "quick get this dude up" as soon as the medic finished the revive and started his role play you knocked out the player, ziptied him, and put him on your helicopter. You didn't say a word to him or the medic and this is not proper role play.

I dished out quite a few bans to other players in your group for RDM and fail rp. Not I mention a ban for advertising another team speak in side chat.

i do confirm restraining him( but it was us who called the medics, we sended NHS request for two people ours and theirs, and i talked  to him in the chopper before crashing where he explained to me he didnt listened to me, as it appears neither did you, either way i aint saying i didnt do it. and when did we vdmed people? because 10min before this happend i was playing as a Cop, i just went for a ride on chopper and this happened.

About my group, honestly they dont realy care i think, but i do, i Want to play here as ive been for a while, normaly and fair , i dont even like Lethals cose you dont get to roll play. And Advertising other TeamSpeak im sure i have nothing to do with that, im mostly in ALUK teamspeak then in my friends. 

Hope you understand im not trying to Justify myself, but rather apologize for what i did. 

If i can add, i will gladly speak with anyone who wants to hear me on TS, so that i can Apologize, And if I can get the Players Name, i will gladly apologise to him aswell and compensate him for anything he loss ( and his friend ).

Thank you

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