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Un-ban Appeal - Goat (Unbanned)

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Active member
In-game Name
Remy Bard

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Adult Community

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I asked to get banned on the forums so I am now banned.

Why should we unban you.
Because I was told I was more than welcome to join the server again. As I didn't actually do anything wrong. I just disagreed at the way a certain situation was dealt with. It no longer matters and I no longer care about the reason I was initially annoyed with. I haven't actually done anything wrong. I haven't actually broken any of the adult community rules either. I did however say in a message on the server to an admin "I think this is fucking stupid...." - however that technically doesn't breach rule (1.4) Swearing at someone outside of roleplay is not tolerated and punished by a ban - as I wasn't directing the swear at the admin. Was merely expressing my feelings.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Why should we unban you.
Because I was told I was more than welcome to join the server again.

This is the post Goat is referring to. At the time of my comment I was unaware he was actually banned in-game, which explains my response about him being 'welcome in our servers'. After finding out he was banned I edited my comment, and explained to him through private messages that I was unaware.

For the staff team member dealing with the report, please don't take my comment in consideration as I wrote it before realizing he was banned. Apologies for the confusion!

This is the post Goat is referring to. At the time of my comment I was unaware he was actually banned in-game, which explains my response about him being 'welcome in our servers'. After finding out he was banned I edited my comment, and explained to him through private messages that I was unaware.

For the staff team member dealing with the report, please don't take my comment in consideration as I wrote it before realizing he was banned. Apologies for the confusion!
At the time I didn't realise I was banned either. So I took your word for it. But I haven't actually done anything wrong.

According to the player notes, you were constantly texting Liquid and complaining about RP on the server and that you also 'called the admins shit.' Care to explain? 

According to the player notes, you were constantly texting Liquid and complaining about RP on the server and that you also 'called the admins shit.' Care to explain? 
I want to see proof that I called the admins shit. I would really like to see this because to the best of my knowledge I don't believe I did. I know I swore but not directed at an admin. And if by constant, you mean 4 times, because I was annoyed at the situation then yes.

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Who did you swear at then?
I didn't swear at anyone. Please read what I wrote in this section.

Why should we unban you.
....... I did however say in a message on the server to an admin "I think this is fucking stupid...." - however that technically doesn't breach rule (1.4) Swearing at someone outside of roleplay is not tolerated and punished by a ban - as I wasn't directing the swear at the admin......

@Liquid Could you please clarify the ban reason?
So if Liquid said I did, what will happen? I'll be banned? Because I am fairly sure I didn't swear directly at him. I know I swore but I swore at the situation, as mentioned in my appeal statement. I said to him I didn't think he was being fair, but is that an offence at which you can ban someone?

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1st text from "Remy" explaining his situation. In my eyes I perceive the situation as someone coming up with a different way of robbing people with roleplay. Text sent back was something like "It's roleplay, deal with the situation."



Text sent to him after this was a warning of not to spam admins with messages just complaining and deal with his situation himself, as there is nothing I can do. Following that were these messages.


Please note "Nice to know admins are useless"




The ban was then issued! @WhoisDan

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Error on my part. I edited your player notes on your stats page about 20 minutes after the situation so I obviously misquoted. 
That's ok. So am I able to be unbanned now please? or am I still banned?

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That's for @WhoisDanto decide. I suggest in the future (if you get unbanned) you continue with the situation and remain calm if it doesn't go your way. Digest and follow any warning you receive and generally act more mature.  

You get unbanned when we feel your ready to return! Okie dokie?

Do you feel you're ready then?

Unbanned, I suggest you follow Liquids advice

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