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Un-ban Appeal - Goat (Unbanned)

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Active member
In-game Name
Remy Zoo

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
Because I RDM'ed in the GZ.

Why should we unban you.
I know what my mistake was and I can own up to it. I didn't even try to dispute it. I know what I did was wrong and rightfully deserved my ban. I even said in game for me to get banned for what I did. But another reason I would like to get unbanned is because I love playing in AltisLife.co.uk servers and find it more fun than the majority that is out there and available. I know what I did was stupid and wrong and I promise to never attempt such a move again. I also believe we all deserve second chances. This was my first ever ban and believe I deserve another chance at redemption.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Can you explain the rules you broke in your own words

So GZ is the green zone. The green zone is basically meant to be a peaceful communal area in which things like RDM'ing aren't meant to happen (It also means things such as robbing, knocking players out, etc the likes of those sort of things can't happen in this zone). And RDM is basically shooting at someone without initiating first.

Tell me, did you bother reading the rules before joining the server? If not why?

I didn't read the rules because a) I already pretty much knew all of them from having watched many altis life videos on YouTube (And I knew what I did was a banable offence) and b) I didn't really know of the website until I got banned

Are you now ready to follow the rules going forward?

Please respond as this will time out shortly 

Follow the rules from this point onwards.


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