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Un-ban Appeal - Funcy - 08/18/2017 (Denied)

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Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Forum banned- RDM

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I didn't realise that you have to counter initiate when getting shot by non lethals. So I just started shooting cause I was getting shot at.

Why should we unban you ?
Because I do know the rules it was a misunderstanding of the rule its not like I didn't know it and I counter initiation when shot by non lethals. I can prove I know the rules I'm a member of the NHS and the police force and you need to know the rules before joining in. Also I just got accepted in police and really wanted to try it out.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

so, lets start this. 
on june 26 you put in a unban appeal. 
you get unbanned on 04 july. 
stated you read the rules and will follow them. 

then  on the july 24 you are here again cause you got banned again. 
and unbanned on 01 august. Stating you read the rules. 

it seems you dont wanna follows the rules. 
Also can you explain me this forumaccount? 


@Funcy Please respond soon or your appeal will time out.

Milkman account is when my friend got me banned he made that account inorder to get me unbanned. He wanted to try Arma life too see if  he would buy it and I was playing CSGO on my other accoutn at the time so I let him use it.

I'm don't know much about them I'm 17 years old I don't really deal with with but I get them from time to time.

Can you explain me, Why your friend told us that you lied about those power cuts? 

Which friend and how would he know if i have power cuts does he live in my house ? 
Less of the sarcastic responses eh? For all we know he/she does live with you. We are simply trying to piece together your story, so if you have any further details to add now's your time

Less of the sarcastic responses eh? For all we know he/she does live with you. We are simply trying to piece together your story, so if you have any further details to add now's your time
To add to what I'm not sure of the question but I don't know much about these power cuts they don't occur a lot but have happened a bit recently 

Your friend said you lied about having a powercut, not how the powercut occured. You may have been on TS/Skype/Discord with him and didn't DC, you might have said to him you lied on your appeal. So if this isn't the case why would he tell staff you're lying in your appeal?

This is your opportunity to tell the truth. Don't waste it.

Your friend said you lied about having a powercut, not how the powercut occured. You may have been on TS/Skype/Discord with him and didn't DC, you might have said to him you lied on your appeal. So if this isn't the case why would he tell staff you're lying in your appeal?

This is your opportunity to tell the truth. Don't waste it.
First of all which friend as it will be helpful to know as I can explain it from there, secondly I am not lying about the power cuts just because someone told you one thing doesn't mean it is automatically true. Last point if he was really my friend and in this case I was 'lying about the power cuts' then is he really my friend trying to keep me from getting unbanned it could just be someone who doesn't want me unbanned I do not know the reason behind this lie. 

First of all which friend as it will be helpful to know as I can explain it from there, secondly I am not lying about the power cuts just because someone told you one thing doesn't mean it is automatically true. Last point if he was really my friend and in this case I was 'lying about the power cuts' then is he really my friend trying to keep me from getting unbanned it could just be someone who doesn't want me unbanned I do not know the reason behind this lie. 
sorry but, we dont give names.  did you connect to our ts when the power was back to explain yourself? 

sorry but, we dont give names.  did you connect to our ts when the power was back to explain yourself? 
I tried to but szplit was offline at the time and the report a player was already up. I believe Tim turner was the person in question, I have spoken to him about this as he has told me that any comments he made were taken out of context and twisted into false evidence to be used against me. if it was not Tim Turner I am 100% sure the whole thing is fabricated because I have not discussed this with anyone else.

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It was a member of the gang you're a part of, not Tim Turner. He had no reason to lie to us, you have a reason to lie to us, you have a spotty history regarding bans as well as breaking yet another that could see you permanently banned.

But aside from that do you really feel the following is the kind of attitude appreciated on a roleplay server?

08/17/2017 10:48 PM (Direct) Rav //I just fragged 8 cops and got killed
It was a member of the gang you're a part of, not Tim Turner. He had no reason to lie to us, you have a reason to lie to us, you have a spotty history regarding bans as well as breaking yet another that could see you permanently banned.

But aside from that do you really feel the following is the kind of attitude appreciated on a roleplay server?

08/17/2017 10:48 PM (Direct) Rav //I just fragged 8 cops and got killed
It was a proud moment for me I'm not going to lie, we was robbing a gas station and cops just kept coming so I and got into continuous gun fights and It wasn't a bad attitude I was simply happy I single handedly killed 8 people after initiation I wasn't trying to have a bad attitude or was mainly just bragging rights.   

You've fairly recently been unbanned, and judging by your history I don't think you're ready to come back just yet.

I am not issuing a perma-ban, however I would expect an appeal after a one month period, if you want to appeal ofc, if not it's none of my business.


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