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Un-ban Appeal - FenixZ - 05/27/2016 (Unbanned)

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United Kingdom
In-game Name
Ming al Sidq

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I think I was banned because the admin though I RDMed someone, when it actual fact I had told him to put his hands up, he started shooting me and I killed him. Mid gun fight the admin teleported to us and I killed the guy who initiated. The admin asked what happened, I said I killed him and 2 seconds later I was banned for RDMing.

Why should we unban you ?
I did nothing wrong, the guy initiated on me, and I killed him in self defence.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I think he didn't have full knowledge of the situation. He didn't give me a second to explain what happened. He teleported asked me what happened and the a second later he shot me and I was banned.

Perhaps he thought I was a free week troll when in actual fact I have been playing on the server for a while. 

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Unfortunately I do not, the weekend was chaotic however I'm sure just like everyone I banned over those days that the ban was justified @Jamz


Do you understand that this is a serious roleplay community?

Please explain to me the RDM rule in detail and why it is not allowed on our game servers.

Yes I do indeed understand that. 

RDM, random deathmatch, is a rule in almost every life server. The rule generally states that one should not be killed without initiation or for example a person is being held up for a robbery for instance and you have threatened to kill them if they do not do such action. They can then be killed. RDM is there to stop the game turning into something similar to a deathmatch and this rule is essential to create role playing situations. 

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Tell me how you would rob someone? Make sure that it is done with HIGH quality roleplay. How would you approach?

Tell me how you would rob someone? Make sure that it is done with HIGH quality roleplay. How would you approach?
 I would approach the person I was going to rob in a friendly manor, tell him how my family can't afford to pay rent and they are going to get kicked out of a house (or a roleplay anecdote). I'd then ask the person to place their hands up I need to do this as I need to gather some money, I would then look for their wallet and take the money, if they didn't comply then I would ask them a few more times if they would kindly put there hands up and if they didn't shoot them for not complying to my orders.


Are you ready to follow all of our rules from this point onward?

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