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Un-ban Appeal - FΛDΞD - 03/29/2016 (Unbanned)

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Frank Roger

Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Banned for NLR, also minor trolling leading to his death, and NLR breach

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 3

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I went from agios with a truck full of frog logs to Ramsays kitchen, to get it processed into LSD. Then i drove through agios on the dirtroads leading to weed processor and then continued on the mainroad south towards kavala. I came to the turns on the mountain leading over to kavala. I met some guys who wanted to rob me so i just drove away. I usually get away with this by hiding and stuff like that untill i lose them. After i lost them, i never saw them again and stored the LSD in my house. I drove to the drug dealer to check if there was people there. And then use a smaller truck to sell it in minor loads. I drove across and didnt see anyone, and continued to the garage to change my truck into a pickup. I drove to the drug dealer again and met a guy who initiated on me by pulling a weapon and giving me comnmands. I complied to everything. He told me to come with him or else i would die. I did wverything he said and we drove away from kavala in his truck. He stopped (i cant remember the excact location) and he told me to come out and take off my clothes. Then i was told to run away or he would kill me. At this point I was a bit frustrated and couldnt keep a cool head. I started to run in circles because i didnt want to run all the way back without my clothes or anything. After this I started to run in circles around him. It was some kind of RP because I didnt want to live anymore. But it was a bit poorly RP and i should have talked to him instead of running in circles. For me the situation escalated and I didnt mean to troll by running in circles. It was never my intention to troll him. After this I respawned in Kavala without thinking about it too much, because i always spawn in Kavala. I met DainMK here and talked to him about the situation. I told him everything that happened which I have wrote here. He was busy and had to go to attend some other business. He told me to apply for a unban appeal on the forums. I got banned for minor trolling and breaking NLR.

Why should we unban you.
I have been an active member a whole month, and I have followed every rule until this point. The situation was how it was and I didnt think I was inside the NLR border. I respawned in Kavala without thinking about it too much. ALUK is such a good community and i have spent alot of hours here, and i wish to spend many more because i have so much fun. I am deeply sorry for what happened. The trolling part was never intentional and till next time i will roleplay it much better! I never intended to troll him by running in circles, but things happened and i got frustrated and irritatet because he took my clothes and asked me to run away. I re-read the NLR rule which states that i'm not allowed to return within 1 kilometer of where i died before 15 minutes has passed. I can also not remember any previous roleplaying, vehicles thats not in my garage and the person who killed me/robbed me. I agree that i broke the NLR rule, but it wasnt intentional. I just spawned in kavala like i do most of the times, and realised that I broke it when DainMK came and talked to me. I have learned my lesson and will thick twice next time!

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Raven -  we expect you to handle situations better when you're frustrated in game. The NLR I could maybe have excused somewhat, but the trolling that lead to your death was unacceptable. You know this is a serious RP server, and we do not want to see anybody behaving like a troll in game.

Please respond with a suggestion of how you might deal with your in-game frustrations in the future. Also, explain in your own words the new life rule.

Thank you

I have spent my time  reflecting over what I did wrong. If i ever end up in a situation like this i will purely focus on the RP and not how I feel in real life. I will put my thinking into the character I play and act like I would do in a real life scenario. The characters life should be on a higher focus than just to die and respawn to gear up again, and im going to role play on that behalf. Im sure i will stay calm and not be frustrated about it again in another or the same situation. The time I have spent banned made me learn my lesson, and i will never break the rule again. I also think that trolling is unacceptable because this is a serious RP server, and im deeply sorry for what happened. The new life rule stated that im not allowed to be inside the 1000m border of where i died, and I dont remember anything except my friends and the vehicles that's in my garage. Therefor I cannot get revenge on the person that took my life.

Best regards, Raven.

Wonderful. Having spoken to you previously in game I am sure your apology is sincere, and that you understand what we expect going forward.

Unbanned, however, be warned this is your last chance. Please do your best to follow the rules in the future.

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