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Un-ban Appeal - dzul (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Rule 3C Trolling

The Server you initially was banned on.

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I am certain I got banned for doing things that Neo and Jamz concidered Abusive Behaviour.Precisely I got a warning point for post I made a week earlier showing a pirated copy of fallout 4 which resulted in a warning point.Me really disliking a photo of qtorrent and a pirate song from child's cartoon being called promoting of piracy as Mr. Jamz called it,I decided to make a funny picture out of that warning point as I concidered it funny and I've been known on this community for not being serious often.I made this: http://imgur.com/hgTIk0w and posted it in general discussion thread along a stupuid vote between "My life is potato" and "I like trains" as far as I can recall,and some other silly stuff written in the thread.The pictures only intent was to be funny and not abuse anynyone and that's the reason I hid the name of the mod that issued the warn.Sadly Jamz did take it very seriously and removed the whole thread,just after that he messaged me on Ts asking:Do you think you're funny?,I responded Yes I do
Been there long enough to know I'm funny. That was all,about the time I posted this image http://imgur.com/ln6N3b1 in Stephs topic Draw them things you hate which i concidered a legit post as I really dislike when ppl act like Jamz did.He proceeded with following my posts and removed the post aswell,just after that he spoke to Neo and got me banned for trolling and abusing,which I peersonally believe never happened as I've never abused him in any way. https://gyazo.com/63c40c2ddd7ad501cebc918c872d9d96 Theese are the reasons I got banned for precisely.So first of the pictues were never intended to abuse Jamz ,secondly I'm still wondering how i offended either Jamz or Neo cause I cannot recall any way I did,so I'd love to know what did I say to make them feel so,thirdly saying been here long enough to know I'm funny isn't really showing myself bigger than anyone unless Mr. Neo conciders being funny meaning one being bigger than other person.

Why should we unban you.
I've been part of this community since 5th of December 2014,so a bit over a year now,I've never had any reports against me nor a ban issued.This event was my first ever warning point being followed by my first ever ban.I believe I've not done anything more than things I used to do being silly posts and stupid pictures and theese have never been by any way punished by the admin team.I've been playing on this server for so long cause I absolutely love the community and It is well worth time spent with all of you lads.I hope the admin team can either approve this appeal or deny it reasonably as it's your decision.I had to make the 2nd account as I've no acces on the main one,cheers dzul.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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The thing that really, really annoyed me is that I gave you a warning point due to posting and (an attempt of) promoting piracy on these Forums and 0 restrictions what-so-ever. I thought that you might have appreciated that and I was having a really good day... to then be ruined due to you making sarcastic remarks and behaviour that, in my view, was simply there to try and "take the mick" a bit, which I really didn't like.

I had hidden the image and let it slide, however if I remember correctly it was then RE-UPLOADED but this time with no names being hidden from it by yourself, again in an act of childish behaviour and this time to definitely attempt to make another member (myself) feel belittled, as you were trying to get "one over me" which I really do not appreciated, especially considering I put a lot of my free time in ensuring that the Forums stay clean of such things, as well as the other mods.

I had PM'd you, which you have supplied in the screenshot, a message asking you whether you think you're being funny. To which I received a sarcastic replied of "I've been here long enough to know that I'm funny".

I of course then went to a Senior Admin to make sure that I wasn't just over thinking things and with the evidence supplied you received a ban community wide, being Forums, Teamspeak and the Game servers.

The thing is, Dzul. If you had just left it after I gave you the warning point with 0 restrictions, non of this would ever have happened, but instead you tried to fight your side of wrong do'ings and try to belittle myself, alongside the sarcastic comments made.
This is an adult community and this kind of behaviour is clearly not taken lightly.

Back to you, @Neo

Please let me also make you aware of this;

I posted this image http://imgur.com/ln6N3b1 in Stephs topic Draw them things you hate which i concidered a legit post as I really dislike when ppl act like Jamz did
"I really dislike when ppl act like Jamz did" - You mean you dislike being told not to do something that a Forum moderator who, in his spare time tries to keep this website clean of unwanted things so you and others can use it to the full potential, has given you a warning not to do something.......?

Seems you have a problem on your own side,Dzul. Perhaps you get your own way too often and this time when you was told "no", you didn't like it?

"I really dislike when ppl act like Jamz did"  What I meant by that,is i dislike being restricted but yeah that's totally my problem,but I really disliked how you just removed my topic and just took the things without a grain of salt,being serious all the time.I fully understand I did wrong as I guess a forum moderator task isn't a light one and makes people nervous about some misbehaviour.I am sorry I ruined your day as it wasn't my intent,it was honestly just meant to make some silly posts,and show off a little bit,so i sincerely apologise for what I did and assure i'll never try such behaviour again.

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You know, looking at it from my perspective;

you get warned about posting torrent links, you post a "spiteful" image, it gets hidden, you post it again (this time showing names). he contacts you, big headed response of "I've been here long enough"......... 

Looks more than what you say...

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As i've said it honestly was just meant to show off "the pirate life",i understand it just looks stupid and childish and i defiently regret doing that,as i had been given a chance I didn't use.And that been here long enough phrase ,you can't take it out of context ,it was just to show i consider myself funny,as it wasn't a phrase like "Been here long enough to not be obeyed by the rules" only enlarging the funny and not always serious part,I 've been part of this community for a long time,and I was in all the possible rp roles,I was a deadly UNMC soldier from before mass recruitement,I was a NHS medic and I was a police officer.I have always been serious ingame and on teamspeak,only places I did some stupid stuff was the forums,as i've always concidered it being the least restrictive part of this lovely community.

P.S. I never posted any torrent link,only an image of qtorrent ,a legal torrent program,I just posted it with Fallout 4 being one of the downloads ;).

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Torrent programs may be legal, however the sharing of copyrighted material is illegal in the United States, and I'm pretty sure the United Kingdom. I'm not sure what the laws are in your country, however as the server and website are hosted in the United Kingdom. Promoting piracy an illegal act isn't something I'm sure Wilco and the staff wouldn't want to be associated with ALUK.

Oh I do understand that,i'm just clearning it out as Neo wrote that I've been "posting torrent links" ;)

And in my country the piracy isn't clear as it's forbidden to download media content without authors permission only if you're going to get monetary beneftis out of it.

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It was not necessarily the pictures of torrents etc that got you banned... It was the smart remarks and sarcasm, posting the warning point up and the attempt of belittling myself even though I thought that I was trying to be nice with you.

ofcourse this one is now upto the admins. I've said my peace and if you are welcomed back into the community I hold no hard feelings and I hope that you don't either. 

I do not hold any hard feelings,I'm not a type that just goes on with something stupid,If i see or get said i'm doing wrong I stop it,so do I keep my word.

The torrent P.S. was to clear things out,i dislike being marked worse than I am,I ceratinly know what got me banned and i apologise for theese acts just as I promise not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Unbanned for FINAL CHANCE.

Please note, your behavior will be monitored. This staff team works voluntarily, and don't need to listen to abuse or be bullied in any form.

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