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Un-ban Appeal - Dirtbag - 05/05/18 (Unbanned)

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New member
In-game Name

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The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Valen Bell

Reason given for your ban.
Battleye server kick 2.12 by Valen Bell - 17/04/18

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for multiple reasons to be honest, and take full responsibility for these actions
I stole an NHS vehicle as it was left unlocked in Kavala after a huge explosion which incapacitated many people (including myself).
I stole it because it was “convenient”, and needed to go to another town. I had the vehicle for around 1-2 hours, where I robbed 2 gas stations in the interim. In the end I was tracked down, chased by police , eventually losing control of the vehicle, and subsequently ended up laid out on the tarmac.
Whilst being revived, I was surrounded by many role players, mainly police / Armed Police / NHS , and a couple of civilians.
I was roleplaying to a minor extent until some light banter / sarcasm towards me occurred coming from the group, who I felt (at the time) were showboating / showing off their quotes in front of a large crowd at my expense. Examples not limited to “You are talking more ***t than the plague mate” , “You are going to be deported off the island” , “Bye Bye you’re ****ed”.
I am not implying that this was all one sided, it was anything but. Admittedly I lost my cool a little bit with one/ two of those players . I was also being questioned from all angles by multiple people, and from here I simply lost it. - (Perhaps persecution complex esq')
From here my attitude was all wrong, and chose not to role-play, nor be remorseful of breaking the rules once advised of them (which I had not read prior to the incident).
I was then moved away to a secluded area by a server admin, who the questioned me. I admit by then I simply didn't care, as going by what was said by some of the people in the large crowd , I was a goner anyway. The admin questioned me , and with great integrity pretty much gave me a 2nd opportunity to explain my actions, which I didn't take (regrettably).
The admin said that he did not need to ask anymore questions as he has seen enough , so from here I thought okay I'm banned, so I ALT F4'd.

To summarise, I was banned for rule breaking, poor attitude, , no remorse, thus respect for the roleplay server and the community, and finally “combat logging”.
The root cause was not reading the rules....

I should of just read the rules, admitted that I had done wrong, controlled my emotions, showed remorse for my actions, and accepted the punishment.

Why should we unban you ?
I would like a 2nd opportunity if possible please. I know what I did was wrong and take full responsibilities of these wrong doings, for this I am sorry.
(As my avatar) I played a lot of roleplay on Arma2 back in the day, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I truly believe that I can be a good addition to your roleplaying community, as I am in a team of 4 / 5 people who also enjoy roleplaying on your server.
I see that you are proud of what you have achieved with the server, and completely understand why you have strict measures to protect it, actions like mine were a threat to this achievement.

All I ask is if you can consider my appeal, however either way I will respect your decision.
Thanks for reading

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

To help us better understand what you did answer the following -

I would you like for you to do is Quote me the Rule you broke?

Explain to me in your own words what this rule is?

Then final tell me why we have this rule on the server?

Hello Alfred thanks for reading my appeal.

Here are the answers I owe you.


(6.1.4) Stealing

You must not lockpick or steal a vehicle from the green zone.

The rule is in place to give roleplayers a safe zone to roleplay, this includes safety of their equipment = vehicles

(2.12) NHS Medics

The NHS are here to help and revive people and have less than 10 slots on the 130 slot server. It is a bannable offence to kill a medic, take their vehicle or take them hostage. In the Redzone medics may be killed however all other rules regarding medics apply.

The rule is in place to enable the NHS players to keep the role-players alive as far as possible , with all of their equipment guaranteed to be available , they can do their role most effectively. This rule ensures this, and the safe , fair  administration of emergency aid of all role-players that need it.

"(3.1) Character"

You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed Admin authorises you to speak out of character. Roleplay everything.

The rule is in place simply to promote roleplay, speaking out of character contravenes all what roleplay is about (regardless of personal views of a given role-play situation) 

"(2.5) Combat logging"

Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first). "

This rule is in place to stop players exploiting / cheating, and gaining an unfair advantage on the roleplay server. The rule also reduces the risk of role-players wasting time on committing to an injured / restrained / or any  person needing attention, only for them to disconnect, and then those that are roleplaying not be attended to. (Boy cried wolf esq')
It is also rude and ill mannered to leave when someone is speaking to you.

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If presented to a similar situation again, not only when roleplaying but also speaking to an admin on duty. What would you do different ?

Thanks for your response Stavik.

I would endeavour to role-play with any role-play situation that I am presented with accordance, and within acceptable parameters of the server roleplaying rules.

In a non role-play situation, if asked , and granted permission by an admin, I would speak "out of role-play character" and treat them with upmost respect, paying attention to what I am being asked and told. As well as myself responding  without prejudice, and not bringing in to question, nor jeopardising their position as a person of authority for this server.

You are a relatively new player, there is alot of rules in our community and you had abit of a rough start.
I hope this serves as a lesson and i hope you find the enjoyment of the server when you hop back on.

Do not make me regret this.


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