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Un-ban Appeal - DeFrag - 06/01/2016 (Unbanned - 02/06/16)

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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
In-game Name
[rM] DeFrag

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
The Soldier

Reason given for your ban.
Poor RP / Trolling

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
A report was put up against me for glitching however I was banned due to Poor RP / Trolling.

The report can be found here - https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/59713-report-a-player-defrag-glitcher/#comment-339628

Why should we unban you ?
I believe I should be unbanned from the server as I've been a part of the community for a long time and have had some of the best experiences from this server/community.

Firstly, I was never given the chance to state my full opinion on the situation and was banned without being able to explain myself which to me seems quite unfair, especially as there was no attempt to resolve the situation which could of been resolved in a matter of 10 mins.

In the video you can see that I stole the police car whilst they were inside discussing a 2 for 1 deal on Snickers Bars and took it for a spin round the petrol station, I parked round the back and approached the officer and told him his car was round the corner I was simply taking it for a spin. I returned to my car to see it had been impounded even though there were several guys inside the station? Wouldn't it be very likely that the owner of the car is still in the vicinity?

Anyway, Since my vehicle had been wrongly impounded without no RP from the cops side. I thought i'd jump back into the police vehicle and use that instead and began driving off as we thought they may have backup on the way, after getting out the vehicle the officer then jumped in and I spiked him before he managed to get away, in my opinion there was nothing wrong with that, I asked him within RP what he was trying to do however they both carried on walking away from the car refusing to RP with me or the rest of the guys. The video ends just before that.

May I just add since being banned I have spoken to PC Joe and apologised for the shitty situation and I'm sure he can confirm that.

Thank you.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

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I may add that he has apologized to me via teamspeak.

Another staff member will need to review this, but

The police had already had an issue with poor roleplay when they were trying to talk to the original robbers and then they suddenly find the car missing. Then you stole it again after giving it back, and you can hear the frustration in their voices. Then you give them the car back again only to instantly spike strip it. I saw this as poor roleplay, trolling, and borderline baiting. Especially from an established member of the community. 

However im glad you apologized and I hope you see the error of your ways.

I see where you're coming from and I understand the frustration from the cops if I were in there position. Although I admit that it could of been better from all of us,  I still do believe the cops could of gone about the situation a little differently, I have watched the video back a few times and can see where I went wrong and will ensure that if I'm unbanned nothing of that nature happens again, thank you for the quick response nonetheless.


You admit yourself that this situation could've gone much better on both sides.

So, if this situation or a similar one was to happen again, how could it have gone so that it was better :)

There was nobody in the station when I impounded the car, I called out for names and I had assumed you all drove off - which was correct because you returned in another car 10-15 seconds later and started swearing at me, calling me stupid etc etc. I still have yet to receive communication or an apology for their trolling.

There was nobody in the station when I impounded the car, I called out for names and I had assumed you all drove off - which was correct because you returned in another car 10-15 seconds later and started swearing at me, calling me stupid etc etc. I still have yet to receive communication or an apology for their trolling.
Sorry who are you? Was you directly involved or?

PC Joe has already stated he has received an apology, little bit confused here, sorry

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I was the PCSO.
Right, gotcha. Sorry was a bit confused.

Im sure with DeFrag already apologising to PC Joe he will be able to apologise for the way things turned out in game to yourself, but it is still good that he has apologised to your superior in the situation :)

I will await DeFrags reply before continuing this appeal.


You admit yourself that this situation could've gone much better on both sides.

So, if this situation or a similar one was to happen again, how could it have gone so that it was better :)"

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You admit yourself that this situation could've gone much better on both sides.

So, if this situation or a similar one was to happen again, how could it have gone so that it was better :)
Sorry, been at work all day! 

If a simular situation was to happen I would perhaps not abandon my car for as long as I did to stop it being impounded which resulted in me stealing there car, also I would ensure that the RP was much better than what It was in this situation, eg ask the officer if I can borrow his car as compensation for impounding my vehicle, anything that gives the cops something to RP with and create an interesting/engaging situation for both parties involved instead of me stealing it with minimal RP and that be the end of it..

I did attempt you find you on TS @JC DentonHowever I believe you had logged off. I do apologise and I can assure you it won't happen again!

Unbanned - 02/06/16

Dont let yourself down, DeFrag.

You're very good at roleplay and shouldn't be finding shortcuts. Get the most out of what you have.

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