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Un-ban Appeal - deadreaper122 - 12/18/2016 (unbanned)

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In-game Name
Chriss packet

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
At the time i had only been on pc for 2 days and i didnt know anythink about role play and rdm so i shot somone without any initiation which lead to my ban

Why should we unban you ?
I was in experinced at the time and knew nothing about role play but now i have been on various servers and gained knowlege on role play and i can do it well now and the mistake will not happen again under any circumstances

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Can you explain the rule you broke in your own words and what it is?

I rdmed somone by not initiating on them at all i just point blank shot them in the head and yeah sure rdm is random death match which in my words is killing somone without any reason or any communications like e.g telling them to put their hands up and givving them 3-5 seconds to comply with instructions.

You are aware this is a roleplay server? 

You also think 3-5 seconds is enough to comply in some situations?

No not in all situations im saying if they have a gun in their hand and they point it mate 

And yes mate as i said ur server was the first server i went on i didnt know u even had rules but ive read through them now and ive also been on various role play servers to gain knowlege aswell i have 300+ hours on just role play servers 


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We are a strict roleplay server, what would you do differently if you was robbing someone?

If they were in armed and on foot i would ask them to stop amd put their hands up i would give them around 10 seconds to put their hands up i would then ask them to drop everythink they have then put their hands straight back up if they do not know the button an r new i will tell them in direct communication by putting \\*the key to put hands up* i would then knock them out and have any momey the have on them i would then take any valuables and give them their clothes and bsck pack back amd make them keep their hamds up untill i am far enough away 

If they are armed i would obviously give them less timebut maybe more than 5 if they have their back to me i would then go thru the same procdure but my main priority would be for them to drop their gun then i would do exactly the same as the unarmed one. 

Again i apoligise as i was brand new to role play 


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You need to stop thinking in numbers. Countdown RP is the worst. Yes you may rush them ect. Just make sure that you aren't counting down in game.

You can have endless roleplay scenarios when robbing someone in game it doesn't just have to be take everything and kill them, let your imagination run wild. Every scenario should be fun for both sides.

Right, are you ready to follow the rules going forward?

Yes i understand what you are saying amd i am ready to follow the rules again and role play extremely well i will.follow all the advise u just gave me and put it into my game 

Great, unbanned. Learn from your mistakes.

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