In-game Name
AJ Orion
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
5.3 (NLR)
The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
During a patrol, I took part in a gunfight with the police that was situated at the Poseidon weed field, after dying in this gunfight I left the base after regearing to attempt to situate myself somewhere practical ready to re-involve myself with the fight that was still ongoing. During this time I parked on a hill approximately 2 km from where I died waiting for my NLR timer to run out. Having not been listening to anything being said in the channel unmuted I didn't know where the fight had progressed to. During the time I was on the hill, I looked around with my range finders to pass some time. I feel that this was construed to be me involving myself which was not at all my intention as I knew I had to wait a minute or two before involving myself. When my time was about a minute I knew the fight was progressing towards rebel outpost so I headed in that direction and then re involved myself with the situation. I was banned because I feel that staff thought I was breaking the rule 5.3 "Your character cannot return within 1000m of the location of death or be involved in the same combat situation until the 15 minute NLR timer has expired." and being in the area with range finders could be seen as involving myself. Which I personally didn't think it was and I have always seen being involved in a situation to be either a combatant or someone who is directly spotting e.g thermalling and I thought I left myself enough of a margin, having several hills in between me and where i incorrectly thought the situation had moved to.
Why should we unban you ?
I have always enjoyed playing here and I will hopefully continue to do so, I feel that I made a small error of judgement which was actually more serious than id expected and that cost me. Without fail this community as a whole always give me something to look forward to and I can always come here and have fun within the silliness of RP and I have made many friends here who I enjoy playing with. It was never my intent to break the rules as I do understand why they are in place, simply to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for everyone that plays and I wouldn't want to ever have a negative impact on someone else especially given the things I have said in my past which I deeply regret. I only ever break the rules when I don't really understand them fully and I slip up on and unfortunately, NLR is a rule that I don't fully understand which means I run into issues, as I know I have slipped up before.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
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AJ Orion
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
5.3 (NLR)
The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
During a patrol, I took part in a gunfight with the police that was situated at the Poseidon weed field, after dying in this gunfight I left the base after regearing to attempt to situate myself somewhere practical ready to re-involve myself with the fight that was still ongoing. During this time I parked on a hill approximately 2 km from where I died waiting for my NLR timer to run out. Having not been listening to anything being said in the channel unmuted I didn't know where the fight had progressed to. During the time I was on the hill, I looked around with my range finders to pass some time. I feel that this was construed to be me involving myself which was not at all my intention as I knew I had to wait a minute or two before involving myself. When my time was about a minute I knew the fight was progressing towards rebel outpost so I headed in that direction and then re involved myself with the situation. I was banned because I feel that staff thought I was breaking the rule 5.3 "Your character cannot return within 1000m of the location of death or be involved in the same combat situation until the 15 minute NLR timer has expired." and being in the area with range finders could be seen as involving myself. Which I personally didn't think it was and I have always seen being involved in a situation to be either a combatant or someone who is directly spotting e.g thermalling and I thought I left myself enough of a margin, having several hills in between me and where i incorrectly thought the situation had moved to.
Why should we unban you ?
I have always enjoyed playing here and I will hopefully continue to do so, I feel that I made a small error of judgement which was actually more serious than id expected and that cost me. Without fail this community as a whole always give me something to look forward to and I can always come here and have fun within the silliness of RP and I have made many friends here who I enjoy playing with. It was never my intent to break the rules as I do understand why they are in place, simply to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for everyone that plays and I wouldn't want to ever have a negative impact on someone else especially given the things I have said in my past which I deeply regret. I only ever break the rules when I don't really understand them fully and I slip up on and unfortunately, NLR is a rule that I don't fully understand which means I run into issues, as I know I have slipped up before.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here