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Un-ban Appeal - Colin K (Unbanned)

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Colin K

Well-known member
The Netherlands
In-game Name
[DF] Colin

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
Me and some friends were robbing people at the drug dealer in Kavala, we heard a hatchback sport coming on the hill so i went over to check, as they were coming very close to me i panicked and started shouting ''get out the vehicle or we shoot'' i realised i was in the wrong channel and quickly changed to direct. i shouted the same thing again and started aiming at the tires to shoot them out. as i was shooting at the tires i killed someone by accident you can hear my voice go like ''huh i killed someone?'' i defenitly didn't ment to as i was aiming for the tires. after that i was still trying to kill Neo because i wasn't aware that he was a admin so that got me really angry/confused as you can cleary hear from my shouting. i never been reported or bannend so i am pretty confused right now. the only thing that i think is weird is that the admin ( Neo ) shouted at me ''fucking rdm'ing piece of shit''.r /> i know that admins don't need to try and sort it out before they ban people but in my opinion this could be sorted out...

i also want to point out that I can't be held responsible for what my gang member [DF] Sniper did.

for my point of vieuw please send me a personal message.

Why should we unban you.
Because i Always play by the rules. this was really confusing and it was a mistake, i talked in the wrong channel and ofcourse after seeing the footage back it is my fault but it won't ever happen again. i really love this server and the community and i don't want to lose all of that.. :(

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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well done for taking full responsibility for your actions..... oh wait, you instantly tried to point the finger elsewhere.

''fucking rdm'ing piece of shit'
you've added a word in there... "R D Ming P O S"

which Is what you did....

i also want to point out that I can't be held responsible for what my gang member [DF] Sniper did.
If I was Sniper.... i'd leave you behind....

 @Neoi am taking responsibility for my actions i''m just saying that because this is about me and not about sniper.

and i don't know why your being so hostile to me because i never been hostile to you in forms of speaking so there's is no need to be hostile.

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Hostile would have been respawning you to kill you again, or really ripping into you. The issue I have here is that you and your team-mate opened fire WHILSt you were still talking.

Sniper stated in his appeal that you said he could fire... obviously from your video, that's a lie from him, but none-the-less you were both ripping into that car not giving anyone a chance to get out... 

In all honesty, we didn't see you there until one of you stood up, at that point it was oh dear, lets go, and then speaking and bullets and 2 already dead before we can do anything.

@Neo okay,

ofcourse your right it was shit rdm and we both are really sorry about it. i can't do more than just say sorry i guess.

and i aimed for the tires ofcourse i never intended to kill someone at that moment.

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Can you explain in your own words which rule you broke and how you could improve on this situation.

@CrumbleRDM - Random deathmatch = Killing people without good roleplay or good initiation. i know that next time i won't just start shooting at a car when i said 1 sentence of ''on the floor now'' it is shit RP and RDM ofcourse. but i realised that after the incident.

Colin K

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Follow the rules going forward Colin. I expect better in future. 


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