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Un-ban Appeal - callu - 31/08/18

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
6.1.1 6.1.2 3.2 3.1 3.7

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

so when i am in kavala allot of people used to threaten me, this one time i was in  kavala group of 3 tried to take me haustage so that's why i don't usually haulster my gun in Kavala so people think to themelfs oh we should'nt F**K with him.

This rule is here so people don't fell threatend.


so the trying to kill someone in green zone one is caused by this one time 2 groups where fighting in kavala at the garages so i ended up getting involved because 1 guy tried killing me.

This rule is here so the green zones are peacful.


i don't remember bating unless weighting at drug dealer for someone to rob is classed as bating.

This rule is here so there is no baiting and it also counts as breaking RP.  


So braking RP, i got Arma 3 about 3 weeks ago or something and i was looking through servers to join so i saw Altis Life Uk and i said to myself oh ill join that and try out RP because the only RP i have tried is on a game called Rust but the RP on Rust is nothing like RP on Arma. so i joined the server and i was saying things like when is the server going to restart or i am new to the server stuff like that and i was learning along the way what not to say so i learned all the things now not to say.

This rule is here so the server stays realistic.


i don't know how to use notes.

I still don't know about the OOC bit sorry.

Why should we unban you?

i think i should be unbanned because the things i have said is the truth and when and if i get unbanned i will be contacting an admin to ask him about the OOC thing and outher stuff that i can think of to ask him.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Last edited by a moderator:
Now, there is not alot of effort here in trying to get yourself unbanned here.
So i will give you about 24hrs to edit and fix your post, or this will be denied.

@callu we're going to help you a little bit here, as the post you edited is all over the place and very unstructured.

Please copy the following and fill it in. I've put more effort into this than what I should, so I expect you to put effort into your reply.

Ban for 6.1.1
Why do we have this rule in place?
Why were you banned for this?

Ban for 6.1.2
Why do we have this rule in place?
Why were you banned for this?

Ban for 3.2
Why do we have this rule in place?
Why were you banned for this?

Ban for 3.1
Why do we have this rule in place?
Why were you banned for this?

Ban for 3.7
Why do we have this rule in place?
Why were you banned for this?

@callu you were told via notes (// messages in Direct Chat) over and over that you were in a Greenzone, but you kept on going. Why? 

i didn't know how to use Notes and i didn't get told off by anyone so i dont see why i got banned for this rule

it is your responsibility, to look where you are before you rob someone. 
You not only got banned for that rule. but by addind it all up  you broke 5 rules in one video. 
What do you expect from us? tell you please dont do it again? 
No we draw a line and you past the line way to far. 
Now how can we be sure you will follow the rules this? 
Tell me what you will do, To make sure you will not break a rule again? 

i'm going to sit for a while reading all the rules over again and if i get unbaned i'm not going to break anymore rules ever again and if i'm doing something that might be classed as breaking the rules ill stop doing it and go do something ells like earn money. 

Not only are we talking about the 5 rule breaks here, but another report was also actioned after you were already banned also for RDM and Poor RP.

So put some actual effort into answering the following questions:

Why should we trust anything you say here, why didn't you bother to read the rules and why should we waste anymore time in dealing with you?

im not a big RP'er and i didnt RDM anyone and i did read the rules the first thing i do before joining the server is read the rules so you cant say i didnt read the rules and if you dont want to spend anymore time dealing with me then why do you keep on going on about it. this is my third ban appeal and this one has been edited about 4 times now and i dont know what els to say. i dont even know what to say for you to trust me that i wont break anymore rules and as i said before i dont RP allot the RP that i dont was on a server on a game called Rust i said that a while ago. Thats why my RP is Poor. 

im not a big RP'er
Yet you're on an RP server?  If you're not a big RPer then I doubt this is the place for you.

i didnt RDM anyone
The report that was actioned after you were already banned shows otherwise.  The fact you find it acceptable to run around screaming "hands up or die" doesn't show us that you can perform any type of quality roleplay.

i did read the rules the first thing i do before joining the server is read the rules so you cant say i didnt read the rules
You didn't read the rules.  If you read the rules you wouldn't be banned here for 5 rule breaks and then had another report added onto it. 

if you dont want to spend anymore time dealing with me then why do you keep on going on about it.
Simple, we actually like to give people the chance to explain themselves and see if they're a good fit and if it was a mistake, a one-time thing or otherwise.  With this attitude and all of the above, I doubt you are.  So on that note:

This appeal will be denied - You clearly haven't read the rules and don't really seem to care.  

Denied - Think about it and appeal again in 2 months if you actually want to prove that you're going to be a benefit to the community.

Although your appeal has been Denied, please give the rules a thorough read here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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