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Un-ban Appeal - BiggLe (Denied)

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Dear Admins 

BiggLe has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: BiggLe
Your Steam Profile ID: BiggLe
Your GUID or Steam ID: 76561198101323468
Date & Time you was banned:: 14/08/15 18:00
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Nozeinho
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: i was running around kavala when i ran in to a masked player and i didnt know who it was that killed me. he asked me to stop while he spoke to me. then he shot me and said i broke the new life rule then after that i re-spawned in kavala to get my car from the garage, then when i ran out of the building i spawned in i was right next to the people who killed me so i tried to run away while apologizing through direct coms and the admin banned me.
Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: new life rule
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: i couldnt do anything about the spawn i had and i tried to run away having been told about the new life rule but by the time i started to run the admin banned me.
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below:

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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Dear Admins 

BiggLe has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: BiggLe
Your Steam Profile ID: BiggLe
Your GUID or Steam ID: 76561198101323468
Date & Time you was banned:: 14/08/15 18:00
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Nozeinho
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: i was running around kavala when i ran in to a masked player and i didnt know who it was that killed me. he asked me to stop while he spoke to me. then he shot me and said i broke the new life rule then after that i re-spawned in kavala to get my car from the garage, then when i ran out of the building i spawned in i was right next to the people who killed me so i tried to run away while apologizing through direct coms and the admin banned me.
Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: new life rule
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: i couldnt do anything about the spawn i had and i tried to run away having been told about the new life rule but by the time i started to run the admin banned me.
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below:

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

i would also like to add that i was not seeking for revenge as i couldn't there was no form of harming the person who killed me and i was just unfortunate that i spawned in a building right by the incident 

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+1 I was watching this guys twitch stream (don't know him irl) and that he said on his stream that he needed to get to the outskirts of Kavala to get his old car. He stated on stream that he was going to run straight out and stay out of the 1k boundary as he follows the rules but was unlucky enough to be spawned in a house very close to the incident. If the admins decided to check where he spawned rather than just banning him like they always do with people this might have been solved? He has been banned for something he had no control over? I understand that you are suppose to avoid the incident but that is what Biggle tried to do. I watched him with my own eyes run out of the house he spawned in, notice that that location was where his death had taken place and start to run in the opposite direction towards the Kavala outskirts. The admin did not even speak to him rather just banned him like they always do. He did not even try and pick up any items or loot his dead body rather he just sprinted on as he realised (his own words) "Shit this is where that guy killed me". I do hope you read this paragraph and understand that Biggle's ban was a misunderstanding and not a deliberate attempt to break any form of rules or to ruin anyone's rp experience. Thanks - Ben Portas

First off... 

Unban Appeal Process Rules

  • The appeal is for the person appealing and the admin team only, Anyone commenting on an appeal will receive a warning point
Now the claim of this being a 'misunderstanding' and that it was 'out of his control', i witnessed BiggLe be killed by some gang members in Kavala nearby the bounty hunter HQ. Within 2 minutes of him dying he respawned back in Kavala. I gave him the benefit of the doubt thinking it could be an honest mistake and he will move on elsewhere away from the scene. It wasn't until he ran back to the EXACT spot of his death and began to shout things at the gang members who had only just killed him, this was the moment I issued the ban. 

So just to clarify, there were no 'misunderstandings' BiggLe very clearly broke the rules. 

I understand the first one but I am replying for Biggle as he can not respond to this message. (Has red text at the bottom and he is defiantly logged in) After watching the stream I am pretty certain he did not shout at the gang members rather that was someone else -_-. Biggle did not die at the Bounty Hunter HQ rather it was near the hospital? The big tall red one in kavala with the hospital badge? I believe after watching the stream back that you may have got the wrong person as Biggle was not near the Bounty Hunter HQ at the time. Secondly Biggle has played on this server for a while now and this is first offence. he appoligises for any damage he may have caused and understands that even though he doesn't think it he may have broken the rules somehow. Despite believing that this was a misunderstanding he still takes full responsibility for any actions and responses he may have caused and it deeply sorry to have caused this problem on such a good rp server in which he has enjoyed for a while.

I'm not mistaken, I forgot the bounty hunter HQ had moved, it used to be where this particular instance happened. 

Im not sure about on this server however that hospital has always been there for me? I'm sure its built into the stock Altis Map? 

As posted on Biggle's other post I am speaking for him (in Skype) as he is having problems replying to these answers. He understands that what he did was wrong and that he has a better understanding of the new life rule now. The intention of Biggle's actions were to go to the outskirts of Kavala (away from the 1Km boundary) and then retrive his car from before. Unfortunately he spawned in a house very close to the incident and therefore looked like he was running back to his old body. He was planning on spawning in Agios but me (as a viewer of his stream) posted that he could go and get his car from a Kavala field (he was low on money to buy another one and needed a method of quick transport). He has vouched that this incident will never happen again and he has fully understood, studied and learnt the NLR and wishes to let the admins know that no harm was indented via his actions and that he really is deeply sorry for any broken rp this may have caused to such a good rp server. Cheers Ben Portas (Speaker for Biggle)

The fact you keep telling lies is really beginning to tick me off. BiggLe spawned back in Kavala after being killed there and made no attempt to leave the the city, he plainly ran back to the exact spot of his death. 

Oh cool. You have a twitch stream. Please highlight the parts that are applicable and post the video here for us to proceed.

I would do but the stream is not allowed to be watched back as it contained music from a spotify playlist in which is copyrighted. I can send you the twitch account if you want? 

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