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Un-ban Appeal - BenjaminIsaac (Unbanned)

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Dear Admins 

BenjaminIsaac has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: Benjamin
Your Steam Profile ID: vankuun
Your GUID or Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58286360
Date & Time you was banned:: 08/10/2015 at around 00:50 midnight
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): It doesn't say.
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: Because I jumped in front of a police car as it was moving.
Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: 3C) Trolling - The following examples are considered trolling however there are multiple others so we advise common sense. "throwing yourself in front of vehicles"
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I am new to Arma 3 (very new. I bought it the day of writing this ban appeal) and I was trying to figure out the controls for model animations (such as waving, sitting etc.) and I must have a hit a key which locks my movement so I cannot turn left or right, only look in that direction. I was running around trying to fix this and spamming keyboard keys at the same time when I obviously ran into the road and got hit by a vehicle. Admittedly, I wasn't trying to avoid the vehicle because in some sense I thought that if I died then it would fix my camera. However, I did not 100% purposely run in front of the vehicle. By the time I realised that I was in front of oncoming traffic, I did not try to get out of the way because of the reason stated before. Give me a chance to learn the controls before banning me please.
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below:

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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You jumped infront of cars at least twice with a good amount of time inbetween. To me it looked 100% on purpose BOTH times..

The first one was definitely on purpose, I admit that and I regret doing so, but I swear the second one was almost entirely accidental. I ran onto the road while trying to fix my camera and then I saw the police car coming along the road. My initial intent was not to run in front of the vehicle but I decided to purely to see if it would fix my camera if I died. Again, I regret my decisions and sincerely apologise.

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Care to explain why you couldnt be bothered to follow our rules @bejaminisaac and why you left the purpose one out of your appeal ?

I got banned immediately after the second one and that was a good half hour after the first. I appealed for the second one because that made the most sense to me. Truthfully though, when I first read your rules I only read each point and not the extend information. For instance, when I read the 'trolling' rule, I read the rule but not the bit that followed explaining what was classed as 'trolling'. This was a mistake on my behalf and I know I did wrong. But, as previously stated, I am new to Arma 3 and was excited to play Altis for a short while before jumping off and going to sleep. So that is why I only read the rules very quickly because I had a limited amount of time before going to sleep and thought that I would just check the game out and read the rules properly the following day. If you decided to grant the appeal then I promise to read over the rules fully and properly before next going onto your server. I apologise once again and I know I did wrong.

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Unbanned for your FINAL chance, i suggest you do follow the rules going forward, this is a serious RP server.

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