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Un-ban Appeal - ARINOVSKI (Denied, permabanned)


In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I believe that I killed a police officer after I issued compliance that was not followed.

Why should we unban you.
I really love the server and I am devastated. Altis Life is my favorite server to play on with my friends, I did not think that my actions were breaking the rules. I have read the rules time and time again and the way I have interpreted them with a legal mind has resulted in the conclusion that it was a decision that could have gone either way. I will do anything (within reason) to be back on the server because my experience on Arma will never be the same without it.

Also, my first ban was for VDM. At the time I was unaware that I could post screenshots showing evidence. I have evidence showing that I was killed in the green zone losing everything I had, subjectively I only acted in a way anyone else would through trying to retrieve my vehicle that was stolen from me in the Green zone. I was Murdered in the Green Zone and Robbed in the Green Zone.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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From my point of view mate if i were robbed in the green zone i'd be very annoyed also, i think most people would act that way if they were to be in the same situation you had been involved in. I've played Altis Lfie for ages now, and i couldn't agree with you more, Arma 3 just isn't the same if you can't play on Altis Life Uk. I do think you should be un-banned, it did happen last year and you clearly have a great deal of joy for the game. You seem to have learnt your lesson also. I personally would allow you to come back into the community and play with your friends, it's a harsh world out there without Altis LIfe. Good Luck!

From my point of view mate if i were robbed in the green zone i'd be very annoyed also, i think most people would act that way if they were to be in the same situation you had been involved in. I've played Altis Lfie for ages now, and i couldn't agree with you more, Arma 3 just isn't the same if you can't play on Altis Life Uk. I do think you should be un-banned, it did happen last year and you clearly have a great deal of joy for the game. You seem to have learnt your lesson also. I personally would allow you to come back into the community and play with your friends, it's a harsh world out there without Altis LIfe. Good Luck!
From my point of view, you should totally not reply here. At all. Ever. Which is why I now will award you with a warning point, restricting your posting for seven days.

And to OP;


You were on a final chance, there is no return. Your time here is over, finished, done, kaput. No more, do not open any more appeals. Say your goodbyes to any friends you made here.

This was very clear, you were asked to not open more appeals. Which is why I now will also award you a warning point, restricting your ability to post forever. If you do not stop opening appeals, we will have to make you stop, unfortunately.
