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Un-ban Appeal - ArcticBear (Timed Out)

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Dear Admins 

ArcticBear has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: [J.R]ArcticBear
Your Steam Profile ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025244751/
Your GUID or Steam ID: 76561198025244751
Date & Time you was banned:: 25.10.2015 15:00-15:30
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Farmer Giles
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: Admin being biased.
Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: I do not infact think i broke any rules, although Farmer Giles thinks I RDMed, although that is not true as far as me and the person i was with is concerned.
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I was minding my own business doing meth and Farmer Giles comes over in a chopper (playing as cop). When he is about 15 meters away from me and 3m in the air I yell: "Do not land the chopper, turn around and exit the area or you will be shot!" Farmer Giles then proceeds to try to land his helicopter and I issue a warning shot which bounced from the wall I shot at and appearently "hit his chopper and turned the engine yellow". He still does not back off and I shout to him 4 times more to not land and go away from the meth dealer. At this point he is around 2 meters above the ground and continues to land. I give him one more warning and he lands his helicopter infront of me even though im aiming my gun at him and telling him not to land. I proceed to shoot him and kill him, I go back to selling meth and 10 seconds later I get banned for "RDM". He then joins my TS channel with me and a gang member (who was a vitness to all of this) and he claims I RDMed him and that I hit his chopper and made the enginge yellow etc. and that I haven't warned him before I fired my gun - which is all complete bullox. He sends me a screenshot of where he was when i appearently first shot him, I tell him that this is complete bullox and that he was way closer, as I would not have had a shot from where i was standing if he was at that altitude, and I also would not have been able to see him. I tried to explain to him many times that I have warned him multiple times before I shot him. I asked him to show me a video where it shows that I shot him before issuing a warning although he claims he "did not record" and even though the screenshot he sendt me had a fraps framerate recording in the top left corner. (well played) https://gyazo.com/49ecbd6007511e307ad59a0277688288
I am actually quite outraged of the biased nature of this ban, as he banned me for killing him after giving him 4-6 warnings to turn around and leave. I would very much like for another admin (not Farmer Giles) to process this unban request. Thank you very much and whoever reads this - have a nice day/night further.
Best of regards
Bjorn / ArcticBear
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below:

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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@Farmer Giles

@ArcticBear And would you happen to have some video evidence of you warning him etc.? I will warn you now that this tone against staff, who spend THEIR time to make other players expierence more enjoyable, is not appreciated and if we find out your accusations are without ground, you will most surely NOT getting unbanned. If anything you have said is untrue, this is your one and only chance to come clean without it having consequences.

Farmer giles claims he did not hear my warning before the shot, and I am not in a position to say what he heard or not as I was not in the helicopter with him (obviously). I do not have video evidence as I do not have any recording software on my computer, although my gangmember (who has been playing on this server far longer than I have) was standing behind the dome and he did indeed hear my warning. As he came in and I saw his helicopter I had no intention what so ever to kill him, and I would not have done so if he had not landed. I would also like to add that I have had very little issue with the cops nor the other civilians on the server before and I get the impression that a lot of people who have actually met me ingame feel that im not the type of guy who goes around rdming people. I like helping people out on the server and im always willing to take a few minutes out of my day to help new players get started. The last 2 days i have probably given away around 5 million to help new players or players who have been RDMed and have had no proof to get compensated. 

I was with Arctic near the Meth Dealer and I heard him issuing warnings to Giles. It's Giles' fault he didn't hear the warnings when he can turn down his volume in the Audio section. And Arma 3 has ricochets in it so it is likely but incredibly lucky that the warning shot he fired bounced off and hit his engine. Even though the engine got yellow/orange, Giles proceeds to land when he is told not to.

@Farmer Giles

@ArcticBear And would you happen to have some video evidence of you warning him etc.? I will warn you now that this tone against staff, who spend THEIR time to make other players expierence more enjoyable, is not appreciated and if we find out your accusations are without ground, you will most surely NOT getting unbanned. If anything you have said is untrue, this is your one and only chance to come clean without it having consequences.
Okay, so i was flying to the meth dealer to check the names on it. As i was getting there, i seen a person and a truck at the meth dealer, i started to get closer and i seen a muzzle flash from his gun, and then my engine turnt orange, at this point i was going to ban him for RDM but i needed to get a name on him. so i got closer, at that point i admit he issued me compliance and then kiled me. But i banned him for taking a shot at me and damaging my helicopter. not for killing me. The rules state Shooting at someone with without RP is a bannable offence. In which he did. I joined his channel to tell him why he got banned. and he was very aggressive and changed his story constantly, he said he fired a warning shot at the ground and the bullet ricochet and hit my heli. I believe that was a clear lie.  After a few minutes of explaining the ban, i left the channel. 

Next he went to Mentor Milo, Milo asked me to join the room in which i did. I again then told him why he got banned and Milo explained this to him also. Milo then linked him the ban appeals page and told him to go there and appeal it. He then said, 'No im not even going to do it, fuck this' and then he left the room. This player is very toxic! 

I was with Arctic near the Meth Dealer and I heard him issuing warnings to Giles. It's Giles' fault he didn't hear the warnings when he can turn down his volume in the Audio section. And Arma 3 has ricochets in it so it is likely but incredibly lucky that the warning shot he fired bounced off and hit his engine. Even though the engine got yellow/orange, Giles proceeds to land when he is told not to.
First of all, do not comment on another plays ban appeal, and secondly In RP terms, you could not issue compliance to a helicopter 200 meters away lmao.  


RDM is when you are killed when the person who kills you do not engage in roleplay, I did not kill you before engaging in roleplay hence it is not RDM. For it to be RDM I must have killed you without saying anything, which is not the case here.

And how you can be surpriced that im acting toxic when you are acting biased and banning me on grounds of RDM when I did indeed warn you (as you have said yourself) is beyond me.

Also how you can say I changed my story constantly is absolute bullox, as you told me first that I shot you without a warning, then you said you didnt hear my warning, and then said you heard it, but that i shot you when you were 100m above the ground and 300m away, which is simply not true. I can not believe you aren't able to understand that you are wrong in this... You are biased, which in itself is not a good thing to be as an admin. But on top of that you are actually playing on the server which makes it so much worse when you are biased.

I've been an admin on several games and servers, from minecraft (ages ago when I was playing that) to RSPS', DAYZ, Rust and so forth, and I can't say I haven't seen this before with people who become admin and play the game themselves. Some people give themselves an advantage in the game, others give their friends advantages, and some as in this case - bans people on very thin grounds because they get angry they get killed. 

Now im not saying I was not wrong in some things, and I am sorry that my bullet ricochet into your helicopter, but you could have asked me on TS wether I blindly shot at you or if it actually ricochet off of something instead of banning me instantly. 


RDM is when you are killed when the person who kills you do not engage in roleplay, I did not kill you before engaging in roleplay hence it is not RDM. For it to be RDM I must have killed you without saying anything, which is not the case here.

And how you can be surpriced that im acting toxic when you are acting biased and banning me on grounds of RDM when I did indeed warn you (as you have said yourself) is beyond me.

Also how you can say I changed my story constantly is absolute bullox, as you told me first that I shot you without a warning, then you said you didnt hear my warning, and then said you heard it, but that i shot you when you were 100m above the ground and 300m away, which is simply not true. I can not believe you aren't able to understand that you are wrong in this... You are biased, which in itself is not a good thing to be as an admin. But on top of that you are actually playing on the server which makes it so much worse when you are biased.

I've been an admin on several games and servers, from minecraft (ages ago when I was playing that) to RSPS', DAYZ, Rust and so forth, and I can't say I haven't seen this before with people who become admin and play the game themselves. Some people give themselves an advantage in the game, others give their friends advantages, and some as in this case - bans people on very thin grounds because they get angry they get killed. 

Now im not saying I was not wrong in some things, and I am sorry that my bullet ricochet into your helicopter, but you could have asked me on TS wether I blindly shot at you or if it actually ricochet off of something instead of banning me instantly. 
3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:

Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)

You shot at me before any RP was initiated, but when i got closer, you then issued it. So you still fired at me with no RP. Do not get rules from Urban Dictionary when we have a rules page which clearly states the rules.

What I linked was the definition of RDM, and I gave you multiple warnings and a lot of time to comply which you did not, thats why you got killed, which you know. Now sorry that my bullet hit your engine, and there is nothing I could do about that now. 

hello i just want to add to this i am a mentor, and this gentlemen came to me about him being banned by Farmer Giles. At first he was nice but after i got the admin to come in and explain it to him/me.  It was at this point his language became horrible and his attitude towards the admin was very rude

^ The reason for this being I have not been very happy with Giles after what happened, and him being stubborn and biased does not make me ecstatic to be honest...


I personally apologized for the way I talked to Farmer Giles yesterday, I sent him a PM on TS although I think he's afk as he haven't seen it yet. I am truely sorry for the inconvenience and I have surely learnt my lesson, I do love to RP and I do love this server as it is one of the few servers that actually focus on great RP. I am sorry that I shot Giles' helicopter before he was within noise range, I was really paranoid and I promise it will never happen again.


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I personally apologized for the way I talked to Farmer Giles yesterday, I sent him a PM on TS although I think he's afk as he haven't seen it yet. I am truely sorry for the inconvenience and I have surely learnt my lesson, I do love to RP and I do love this server as it is one of the few servers that actually focus on great RP. I am sorry that I shot Giles' helicopter before he was within noise range, I was really paranoid and I promise it will never happen again.

I got a message from articbear, and i forgive him for the way he acted towards me, but the person doing the Unban Appeal obviously has the decision on the unban.  

What makes me think this wont happen again?

Have you re-read the server rules?

Timed out! We can not keep these appeals open!

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