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Un-ban Appeal - Aidaan - 04/01/2016 (Unbanned)

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United Kingdom
In-game Name
[V] Aidaan

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Breaking RP

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I was banned because i broke RP for one second by accident and i tried to correct my self and failed

Why should we unban you.
Please unban me because im still new to the RP scene and i really enjoy this server. i understand i was in the wrong but i also think i deserve another chance because im new to this and i will get the hang of it eventually. P.S While i wait for a reply i will also re-read all of the rules. and again i am sorry <3 please unban me ASAP, i really enjoy this game mode and server :)

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

EDIT: I just looked at the ban message again and it said i metagamed aswell, as far as i know this was in a different situation and again i see my mistake as i was talking to my friends as they broke me out of a jail transport truck. and i now see how unfair it was towards the police and i will never do it agian. I have now thoroughly read all of the rules and i think i now understand the rules well enough to RP properly now and again i'm sorry <3

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Yeah i fully understand that it is a process that takes time and i see i used a poor choice of words. I will let you do you job in your own time :D <3

Rule 1 i broke: I broke main rule 3. which is role-play, role play is when two or more people talk to eachother in the context of a made up story line or situation, during this situation all parties must stay in character for aslong as the situation lasts, role play may consist of lieing to the cops and telling fake names or maybe a hold up where someone is down in the dumps and needs the money so they will rob another person in character explaining why they are doing it and what they want from the guy that is being held up.

Rule 2 i broke: Metagaming, Metagaming is when you are in a roleplay situation and i give otherwise unobtainable information to people E.G friends. The information may consist of locations. Metagaming also consists of calling people by there name tags without asking for their name (if given wrong name you must call them by given name). In short metagaming is giving information to friends or people over TS3 or other comms that they would otherwise not be able to obtain.

Thanks for replying Crumble :)

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