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Un-ban Appeal - Ahmedzahran10 - 22/04/19

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dont need to know that
In-game Name
Steph Curry / AHMEDXZ

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because I lied about my age

Why should we unban you ?
I believe that you should unban me because I tried to look older by I think it was 6 months , to join the police force , I desperately wanted to join the police force but it was very stupendous to lie about my age so I can join , currently I am 16 and I do want to come back to this server and I apologise time to time again because I really do like this server and I haven't done anything bad while I was playing on this server so again I do apologise and now since it has been 6 months I have matured and promise you that I will never lie about my age again. I remember that in 2017 that I was perm banned and if I was banned again I would have no appeal however Its been two years since that ban and I haven't done anything bad until this one and I promise it was a stupid thing to do and I wont do it again , I was desperate into joining police and I done something which I regret so I apologise and I wont do it again.
thank you

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Taken from your last appeal you never responded to

On top of that I've got some questions of my own
Could you quote the rule that you broke and explain why the rule is in place?
Why did you lie? Did you not think you'd get caught or did you simply think you're above the rules?

1.) [SIZE=medium](1.9) Providing a false age when applying to join a whitelisted faction in order to circumvent the age limits is punishable by a ban. this rule is in place to keep people below the age of 16 away from whitelisted faction due to there safety and security reasons.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]2.) the reason I lied was because I was being very desperate into joining the police in a whitelisted faction not because I thought that I was above the rules I also thought I was not going to get caught but I did and I regret what I have done , I was being very stupendous and I promise now that im above the age of 16 I no longer have to lie about my age and what I did was very stupid and I can promise I will never do it again and I understand why the rule is in place.[/SIZE]

So how can we trust you to follow our other rules?

Breaking a rule in the heat of the moment is one thing, but purposefully lying knowing the repercussions dont fill us with a lot of confidence that you have any regard or respect for our rules or server. 

What is to stop you breaking other rules in the future if you think you can get away with them and want to?

@James_W12345 next time I promise that I know the full rules and re-read the rules over again , and make sure that I will not break any , as if I do get unbanned one stupid mistake will never get me unbanned I do promise that I will never do something as stupid again , however it has been a long time and im more mature than I was back before when I made that stupid mistake and I will never do it again and I will make sure that I will never do such a stupid mistake that will jeopardise my place on the server 

thank you

I am willing to give you another chance however there will be a few terms to this. If you agree to these terms then I am more then happy to give another chance but if you disagree I will decline this appeal. 

  • Any ban which involves you lying towards anyone will result in a permanent ban which can only be appealed after 2 months.
  • Any ban in the next 3 months will resolve in a permanent ban. 
  • Before joining the server you will read over all the rules again and if you have a question about one you will join the support rooms and ask about it.
Do you agree to these terms? @Ahmedzahran10

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Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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