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Un-ban Appeal - AcidicFin - 09/27/2017 (Unbanned 06/10/2017)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Alex Jackson

reason given for your ban.
Stealing NHS Equipment

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
(2.12) NHS Medics -The NHS are here to help and revive people and have less than 10 slots on the 130 slot server. It is a bannable offence to kill a medic, take their vehicle or take them hostage. In the Redzone medics may be killed however all other rules regarding medics apply.

I Stole an NHS Vehicle

Why should we unban you?
I will be more careful in the future with the rules, I'll make sure I help other people not to break the rules as I did. I will bring good roleplay to the community in many different ways some legal some not. May think of joining the NHS in the future as I think I would enjoy the roleplay scenarios.
Sorry I broke the rules it was a stupid mistake on my part just wasn't thinking at the time, Thanks

My other Appeal (Timed out as I was unable to get on my pc): https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/95111-un-ban-appeal-acidicfin-09192017-timed-out/?tab=comments#comment-540586

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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We'll carry on where we left off.

How would unbanning you benefit our community? Can you quote the rule that you have broken and explain it in your own words? Also explain why you think we have that rule in place.

I did say how unbanning me would benefit the community in the Why should we unban you?  question but ill try to elaborate on it here. I'll make sure I help other people not to break the rules as I did by teaching them the rules before they start playing I have a friend that is thinking of getting arma and I would make sure that he doesn't break any of the rules. I will bring good roleplay to the community in many different ways like hostage situations with the gang that I am in also may think of joining the NHS in the future as I think I would enjoy the roleplay scenarios.

The rule that I broke is: 

(2.12) NHS Medics -The NHS are here to help and revive people and have less than 10 slots on the 130 slot server. It is a bannable offence to kill a medic, take their vehicle or take them hostage. In the Redzone medics may be killed however all other rules regarding medics apply.

This means that the medics are here to help the people of Atlis and not to be inconvenienced by them. Stealing an NHS vehicle while they are treating someone will result in the medic being stranded and unable to move to the next person in need. This community has this rule in place so that does not happen and medics can do their job in peace and not have to deal with idiots like me.

If found in that situation again, what would you do differently? 

If was in that situation again I would not even go near the NHS vehicle and just carry on with the rp away from the vehicle.

Enjoy your time on the server. 
Follow all our rules! 

UNBANNED 06/10/2017

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