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Un-ban Appeal - A D A M - 18/02/18 (Unbanned)

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a d a m

Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Shooting in BZ

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I shot someone inside the bluezone without realising it was inside the bz, DELETER asked me why i had shot inside the bluezone and i explained that i had no idea he inside he then said to me i had been banned twice before. I havent been banned for anything related to this before and dont understand why that was mentioned, he never fully said i was being banned and i think it was a rushed ban, he never let me explain the situation and didnt let the officer who had shot in the first place speak, i assume he had just tabbed out to do the ban. The cop who shot and killed K I E R A N wasnt banned and he was the reason i had shot in the first place. Im not trying to shift the blame away from myself i know im at fault but this wasnt intentionally done.

(6.2.1) You must not attempt to kill anyone in a blue zone  

This is the rule that i broke, plain and simple dont shoot/kill in the bluezone, ive been on this server for a year now and have had no issue following the rule and this was a mistake that wont happen again.

Why should we unban you ?
I dont believe i should have been banned in the first place, i dont believe the admin saw what had happened and understood the situation as i only retaliated after a gang member had been killed i didnt see that it was bz and didnt think to check as it was the road leading up to the castle from Kav PD. I know and understand this rule and would never intentionally break it and as i have said, if i am to be unbanned this rule will not be broken by me again.

Edit // Just for reference, here is a screenshot of where my gang member was killed and i had killed them just infront of him. This area shouldnt be BZ to avoid confusion like this


Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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You should have thought before shooting but as you said you did not think to check and you just open fire and hope for the best.
Him mentioning 2 previous ban may not be related to this case but it shows that you have gone through this process twice so you should know better.
The rule specifically states blue-zone and this is the blue-zone so we can sweep that under the table.

Summary: You don't agree you should have been banned
                   You don't think about rules before you shoot.

So why should we give you another chance? And this time be honest. You previously agreed to reading the rules twice so you must know this is a thing right?

You don't think about rules before you shoot.

So why should we give you another chance? And this time be honest. You previously agreed to reading the rules twice so you must know this is a thing right?
I always think about the rules before doing something and especially before engaging in combat, I always follow the rules and rarely slip up in doing so. The only reason this has occurred is because I didn't realise how far the BZ stuck out from the actual compound of the Police Station if i had checked my map to see that it was in fact the BZ I would never have shot.

I should be given another chance as I do follow and know the rules, I dont know if there is a reason behind the zone being extended but now that I have found out the hard way I won't be breaking this or any rule again.

Simple question Adam given your ban was gunfight related.

Are you here for the RP or the frags?


frag montage

feels bad when the only frags you get are friendly fire

top fraggers

any good frag montage songs anyone


more frags for the montage

top fragger

my new frag montage is up

dont need a reason. just need to initiate. frag montage

Are you here for the RP or the frags?
The simple answer to that is Roleplay, however i will elaborate on that answer.

The thing that specifically keeps me coming back to this server is the quality of roleplay, ive said it on the forums many times and i will say it again; this server has the highest standard of RP out of any other that i have played, the other servers with a low standard of RP are fun for the first week maybe but people saying "Hands up or die" gets old and quickly. Im sure if you searched my steam ID like ive seen be done on other UnBan appeals you will see the types of other servers i play and non compare to this one hence why i have always come back here, the server ive put nearly all of my hours in Arma and the one that i get the most enjoyment from.

I assume these "Top Fragger" lines are quotes that i must have said at some point or another however i dont actually remember most of them. Any instance of someone saying that they or another person is a "Top Fragger" then that is either taking the piss out of them for being bad or poking fun at someone after killing one person, usually its the second one as obviously taking the piss out of someone in OOC would be classed as being toxic, same with the "feels bad when the only frags you get are friendly fire" I do remember typing this and it was to one of my mates (dont remember who specifically) who had crashed his heli and killed a load of his gang mates in the process, like i said this was just poking fun and not trying to be toxic towards him. 

The frag montage related comments i cant really comment on all of them as i dont really remember typing that apart from me saying that i have a new montage up, i was saying this to the gang AL the day after i had a gunfight with them after they were camping Advanced Weapons for an hour with an ifrit out so i just compiled those clips to upload them. I wouldnt advertise my other montages on the server or on the forums as that is just an unwritten rule not to do so and i would say in my case it would break the advertising rule as it does contain the names of other servers so i wouldnt be advertising that.

The last one on the list doesnt seem like something i would say at all with the inclusion of "frag montage" at the end, the first part i think i said to a hobo who was complaining in OOC that he had been killed for no reason and i was just trying to explain that for someone to kill him they just needed to initiate and i do take back the first part as it doesnt really make sense, a person isnt going to initiate without a reason as the reason is always to rob the person, but again the part with frag montage at the end doesnt make sense and i dont think i have said that.

I also want to say that i do not go out of my way to try and make a new frag montage, i simply play the on the server and i record everything that happens incase i need evidence for a report or comp or request or anything that i may need, it would have come in handy for the appeal so i could fully show the situation and the confusion. Fragmontages arent something that i go out of my way to do they just come about when i have enough clips to fill a song that i like, i do enjoy the editing side of making the montages though as i enjoy video editing, it gives me something to do and keep myself busy when not playing Arma.

Edit // 

This is the BZ after the last update and if it was always like this i would never be in this situation as i would have been out of the BZ (still close but not breaking the rule)

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Okay Adam, I'm satisfied with your responses and the effort you've put into this appeal.  Your last comment is kinda like saying, if only they'd moved the goal posts 10m to the right it I'd have scored. Not really relevant as the blue zone was the blue zone when your incident occurred.  That said, I do understand how in the heat of the moment you might have assumed it was not a blue zone, and I do suspect that someone with your experience wouldn't have purposely fired into one had you known.  Back in the day, I too once made that mistake by inadvertently entering the greenzone at Kavala garages whist under fire.  The important thing here, like I did, is you learn from your mistake and make sure you double check the map whenever you're in proximity of a 'zone'. 

Appeal successful | Unbanned.

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